Fantastic Four (2025)

To be fair Sony (Spiderman IP) churn out these flops like Venom, Madam Web , Morbius, Kraven (tbd) so hasn't been the same standard we would expect from MCU hence why they aren't recognised as canon. I do agree the latest set of MCU movies and shows have been a massive disappointment but they proven they can get it right when they have the right ideas, actors and writers in place. So I wouldn't categories all Superheros shows as the same. It is a difficult genre to get right and we have seen problems in the latest phase of movies/shows from them.

At this stage its a tad early to say if iFF i's going to be good or bad, we won't know until we get more.

I'll go on record to say it's going to be trash.
Is anyone attached to write and direct yet? Because that's where these projects sink or swim. If its a another tick box hire that proclaims never to have read the IP and want's to make their own brave take on the genre you know it's a sure fire turd.
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Decades of incredible Norrin Radd lore set to the side in favor of a one-issue character (as the Surfer, specifically). Interesting decision-making.
I do love a bit of retro goodness from playing the Fallout games, so the setting is a bit of a nice change at least from the umpteen MCU movies set in generic, semi-futuristic cities. The Thing looks a bit naff. Eh...I'm not exactly jumping for joy about it, but then the same could be said for MCU in general these days. Might catch it when it comes on streaming.
I'm wondering if this is going to be in a parallel universe because it hardly seems like the retro story setting which I quite like the look of fits with the existing MCU canon?
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