What technical skills do you need to be able to get that kind of job?
Also, got any jobs going?
I’ll explain a bit as I also got a PM about the Pre-Sales roles asking me for more info.
Technical skills depend on the company that employs you, the exact role and the level you join at. I need to know a lot about a lot of subjects but only to a high level (i.e product overview, business benefits, etc). I need to know what the industry is doing. Think of it this way – i’m the GP, i’m the regular point of contact with the customer and I look into all the issues. I have all the specialists I can bring in when I need to, to go into more detail. The salesman gives the bill
My areas are anything to do with the storage world - SAN, NAS, Server and Storage Virtualisation, Cloud, archive, backup, etc. Typically i’ll have the base certifications in a lot of technologies but not any further – I have the specialists for further discussions. I could be presenting to an IT team one day, their CTO the next and writing a proposal the day after.
If you want to go right into it you’ll find that most larger companies will recruit their pre-sales consultants from their engineer pool. Quite a few, like mine, offer Associate programs where you work your way up. They want a degree and some experience (not a lot, a year will do). They don’t bother with the group workshop interview they do traditionally 1:1 interviews, a few presentations, etc.
You’ll start off doing a little but gradually take on more and more. They want people who are outgoing and confident. No matter how experienced you are and how much you know you’re no good to them if you can’t communicate effectively with customers and build a relationship.
Happy to go into more detail if you want, everyone always forgets the pre-sales side of IT and it’s a great place to be.