It is the VRAM there is no other explanation, you won't get that much gain from FSR if there was another problem.
No reason to deny it since anyone can drop a few settings and play on the 3080 like a boss, but it looks like if you enable HD, RT and the R-bar and set everything on Ultra, the VRAM goes above the 10Gb.
Probably the max VRAM usage is a little over 10Gb if you enable everything so if some reviewers haven't enabled every feature or they didn't played long enough the 3080 was still able to run the game. But it is clearly a VRAM limitation if you enable everything.
Ok, answer me these questions then:
- why didn't techpowerup, toms hardware, guru3d etc. etc. not see the same problems? If it was absolutely down to vram and nothing else, surely all sites should be reporting the same?
- why did jokers 3080ti drop to 5 fps (similar to what PCGH have reported for the 3080) in his game and all of a sudden taking a screenshot brought fps back up, seems a bit odd, no?
- iirc the game is also not launching/crashing on gpus with<6gb vram, funny how this seems to also be a first
- this is a first for where a game "runs" out of vram and fps drops entirely, do you really think that is normal or more a sign of something hasn't been optimised/implemented correctly? Bearing in mind, ubi have said they are working on it.....
- why does some footage with higher vram cards look like textures aren't rendering/loading properly too?
I'm not denying that a gpu with more than 10GB vram will provide a smoother experience when playing at max settings @ 4k with no FSR, as techpowerup and iirc, another site did say the game felt smoother gpus with >10gb vram.
The problem we have here is that it is only 1/2 (?) sites so far who have reported the fps drops to 5 fps when 5/6+ sites haven't had this issue, that's the problem..... If it was 100% just because there wasn't enough vram, it would be happening across the board.
I personally think there could be something up nvidias resize bar and the game, as we all know, nvidia have to turn it off for some games due to performance issues.
I can imagine there will be one or two denying it, don’t worry. Not planning to read those posts as I can already imagine the content. It’s just a meme at this point but that’s now three independent media outlets saying the same thing regarding this. Shame this in depth testing was not done on Godfall, because a similar thing would have been discovered, trust me. Guess that game was not well received enough though to warrant it.
Shame indeed you won't see the content but alas, as proven, you just have people who can prove you're wrong on ignore (another one being.... gsync adds input lag
), easiest to just keep the fingers in the ears
And if you had people of ignore, you would have seen that godfall argument of yours was also nuked from orbit once we started looking at figures where ray tracing was used.