Far Cry - Realistic Difficulty

Anim said:
Bah you all give up too easily :) one key thing on realistic is that headshots really do count, also silent weapons are a god-send sometimes though you have to go for all out damage and make every shot count. The little trigens shouldnt give you too much trouble, the ones with built in rocket launchers are a bit more of a pain ;)

What about getting pwned by invisible people? :p

Edit: Veteran is way, way, way, way, way, way easier than Realistic. I just stole a boat from the beginning and went around the carrier thing and killed everything on it. Not sure if it'll carry into next level though :p
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Hey guys, some comments on whats posted.

Dont use 1.4 for single player, just use 1.3, 1.31 and 1.33.
The 1.4 introduces a bug that lets the AI see through buildings on some levels. It also provides nothing in the way of enhancements for the SP game; it was multiplayer focused.

Installing 1.4 over a clean install and it asks you for earlier patch versions?
You DL'd the wrong version there are two versions of the 1.4 available, a cumulative one that has all previous required patches included and an incremental one that takes you from 1.33 to 1.4

Can it be done on realistic?
Sure... but trying it at that level first time is a serious undertaking that will need lots of patience.

On Carrier as you come around by the Gatling gun, there is one guy on the level just above your head, there are three up at deck level. Of those at deck level, two are on the side of the door you have come from (eg central looking looking down into the gap tpwards *** gattling gun. The third is on the far side, as you come to the ladder, he is up behind you...
You can find detailed walkthroughs on the UBISOFT Far Cry forum...

Azagoth said:
For the people re-installing it and applying the latest patch, here's an heads up!

When you start the game the mouse may not work! Go into your settings menu and click "reset to default" under controls. That'll get the mouse working again.
I was pulling my hair out trying to get my mouse working in this last week.... :(...i got it working in the end,but i didn't have any idea what i did to get it working...
The final open section with the rocket-trigen is next to impossible on realistic, that was the main part that annoyed me. This was a while back though, so not V1.4.
that part was intense, tried so many ways of killing them, and ferrying weapons to the door pre-opening as i ran out of ammo so much. I only did it by managing to take out 2-3 before they actually got to the door, then gave them very partial sight wait...... less spoilers more finding out for yourself :D

i thoroughly recommend doing it on realistic though, otherwise you'll get to the end and think "well that could have been harder"
The main thing I remember about realalistic is that the fat boys ( I think this is what they are called) where stupidly hard. I shot one till all you could see was bullets holes and it still wasnt dead. The sniper worked well against them tho.

I agree with the above tho, play it as hard as you can otherwise you lose that sence of danger and you will find your self just running through the jungle hunting them, rather than the other way round.
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realistic, i'll guarantee its more satisfying, even if its just knowing that you did what most others on here gave up with ;)
Gashman said:
its as bad as fighting sarge on nightmare on doom 3 :rolleyes:

Actually, on nightmare sarge is a cakewalk. Just make sure you have the soul-cube charged up ready, let rip, and pump a couple of extra rockets into him :p

Against the spirit of the game though, I know...
FC is pretty much the only game I can remember completing on 'normal' difficulty and then deciding to replay it again on the same setting. In the past, on the rare occasions I've decided to replay a game, I've always upped the difficulty.

That's not to say I thought it was especially hard on Medium overall (although a couple of sections were especially tough), more to say that I really enjoyed playing it on medium and wanted to experience it again. Couldn't really see how upping the difficulty would increase my enjoyment (unlike, say, Quake2, which even on Hard+ skill level is ridiculously easy).
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