Farming Simulator 17

17 Jan 2011
the King's city


Take on the role of a modern farmer in Farming Simulator 17! Immerse yourself in a huge open world loaded with new content:
new vehicles, animals, crops, gameplay mechanics and a detailed North American environment!

Farming Simulator 17 offers rich online activities: play in co-operative multiplayer up to 16 players, and download mods created
by the passionate community for unlimited content and an ever-evolving Farming Simulator 17 experience.

Release Date: 25th October 2016

Giants Software
Collectors Edition

Other Info

Giants forum Known features of FS17
Giants Forum FS17 Feedback thread
FS-UK Farming Simulator 17 Pre-Release Megathread

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Confirmed New Features

M.A.R.C. GIANTS Software said:
We’ve compiled some of the known features of FS17 here for reference:

New crops: sunflowers and soybeans
- Sunflowers can be harvested with regular maize headers or with the new sunflower headers. (Their benefit being faster working speed).

Cover crop: oilseed Radish
- Cultivate them when grown for +30% yield on this field.
- All crops can be cultivated in this way to get the yield benefit (unless they are dead). This however usually does not make any sense since the other crops are worth more when sold. (so use the cheap oilseed Radish instead)

New fertilizing system: (Fertilize three times for +30% each time during a crops growth cycle)
- Fields that are not fertilized will yield less crops than FS15. Fertilizing once nearly gets you to the FS15 base yield. Two times will put yield slightly above FS15 base. Fertilizing a field 3 times will yield about the same as FS15 did when you only had to fertilize once.
- Between each fertilization either the soil must be worked (cultivated, plowed, sown etc.) or the plants have to grow at least one stage before you can fertilize again.
- Actually it would be better not to call it “fertilizing-system" rather something like "yield-improvement-system", because it is quite an abstraction. Yield can improved by any of the following: fertilize (solid), spray(liquid), slurry, manure, cultivating cover crop, weeding (as long as the plants are still small).
- MOD-Info: Any of these actions adds +1 to the "Yield-Bits" (max 3). So mods equally can use this function in other ways, i.e. a "packer" (add +1 yield), "mulcher" (add +1 yield), or whatever tool could sensibly improve yield and it does not necessarily need to be called "fertilizer" ;)

Plowing required:
- After 3 harvests the fields need to be plowed or they will start to yield 10% less.
- MOD-Info: Again; after each harvested a counter is reduced by 1. So after 3 times it's at 0 and the yield will decrease by 10%. Plowing will set it back to the max: 3. Using this feature mods can implement other fun stuff! For instance let’s say each wheel of a tractor will "compact" the ground, so a mod reduces the counter by -1 at any point you drive on the acre. After you have driven over the exact same spot 3 times the soil there would be so compacted, that it requires to plow again. Or the opposite, you can build a mod that does not plow but "loosens" the soil. Instead of setting the bits back to max 3, it could just gradually decrease the soil compaction by +1 ;)

- There are no "meadows" :zunge: There are only "fields" on which "grass" grows. That is to say grass also now has a TerrainDetailLayer and therefore its yield can be increased like mentioned above. Additionally it means that sowing grass no longer destroys the field borders.
- MOD-Info: In GE you can still plant grass without the TerrainDetailLayer, it will be mowable but not fertilizeable because there is no layer beneath to take the fertilizer. Grass around fields and near roads should still be done this. However meadows should be created using the TerrainDetailLayer and matching field borders!
- Since grass no longer deletes the TerrainDetailLayer, what do I do when I just plowed a really ugly new field or made a mistake when combining fields? I can no longer sow grass in a straight line to clean it up? That is what the Lizard R-5000 roller is for. Its only function is to delete the foliage- and detail layers! Where this one is used nothing will be left except the original terrain. Use with care, don't buy it in MP and your fields are safe from grassing!

- They can now see and evade static objects (Trees, hedges, buildings etc.) When encountering dynamic objects they will still stop and wait for you to move the tools out of their way, but they'll send you a note about being blocked.
- They have various turning strategies (incl. reversing), which they will apply according to their tool and the objects around them.
- They can now also mow, tedder and windrow as well as use trailing harvesters (attached choppers and the likes) However the grass stuff they can only do on the above mentioned TerrainDetailLayer-type grass.
- On hard mode (or optionally set) they'll use diesel, seeds, fertilizer and so forth. Additionally the can take slurry and manure directly from the pits if you happen to have too much to transport, they'll just automatically grab it from the depots you can set in the options.

Physical Material Integration (Tip Anything):
- Unlike previously where any material (crops, grass, straw, manure etc.) only could exist within a container (The harvesters grain tank, a shovel, a trailer, the silos etc), materials are now always physically existent in the world until they are "used up" (fertilize, spread manure and so on) or sold.
- Therefore if you tip a trailer or a shovel the material will fall to the ground and stay there. There are no longer "windrows" in their abstract fruittype form. There now is simply straw, or grass, or hay and it is simply dropped to the ground when harvesting, mowing and so on.
- Important to say is that the system is completely dynamic on a level of half a meter accuracy and material cannot "flow" through collisions. This feature opens up so many possibilities its crazy :D
- MOD-Info: Material can only be placed on real terrain, Meshes will not allow this or rather if the mesh does not contain the Blocker-Bit the material will simply fall through it onto the real terrain beneath.

Extendable silos and placeables to customize your Farm:
- The crops silos have a limited storage capacity of 100'000l per crop type and this can be expanded by placing silo extensions near the silos.
- Sugar beet, potatoes, wood chips etc. can now be stored anywhere using the physical material integration.
- There are various shelters and some functional buildings like the workshop which can be placed. The workshop for instance allows you to reconfigure your machinery without having to pay the mechanic and to do it at a more convenient location than at the shop.

- Crop prices fluctuate much stronger and differently at the various selling stations so that no longer the same crop will be deliver to the same station all the time on average.
- Like in FS15 on average all activities have an on par economic value. For instance the price of wheat is much lower than canola, however canola also yields a lot less grain per hectare than wheat. Silage was "nerfed"! :lol: I assume a leprechaun played tricks on the price factor in FS15... *cough* Silage is now back on par with other activities in terms of economic value. Of course activities that involve many manual steps are usually priced higher to reward you for your work accordingly.
- Animals are very expensive, this must be so to even keep up economically with fields that grow in 3 days!
- Likewise maintenance and renting costs are very high to balance against the incredibly fast growing crops.
- Great demands still exist, however they are far less strong in order to stop people hoarding crops. It is now much more sensible to check the prices for crops daily and to sell at a good opportunity than to wait for a demand, which may at the time be a good deal but may still be lower than that super price the bakery is paying right now.
- The prices overview has been overhauled and is much clearer now that the crops are in the columns and the selling points on the rows, than the wrong way around! #WhatWhereTheyThinking!
- Generally there are a lot more info tabs for costs and prices to the benefit of the clever farmer that does not want to run his farm into debt ;)
- Slurry and manure can now be sold at the bio gas plant.

Mission System:
- All fields not owned by the player are owned and worked by other farmers (behind the scenes for performance reasons) However this makes the map a lot more alive because there are now all types of crops growing everywhere instead of the barren wasteland that was FS15 fields.
- When you interact with the field icon you can talk to the fields owner and he will usually offer you a mission/job on that field according to the type of crop and growth stage that is on it. For instance fertilizing crops or harvesting sunflowers. To do the job he will give you the tools needed you do not bring your own. This is incredible fun in the early game where you have no money to afford all the cool things you get to drive when doing missions. And of course there's quite some money to be made this way to offset your own running costs.

- You already own chicken and they can neither be bought or sold.
- Pigs, sheep and cows can be bought and transported.
- They will reproduce if fed well. Pigs will reproduce the fastest as their only economic value is being sold to the livestock dealer.

- Productivity and Reproduction Rate:
- If animals have no water their productivity will be 0%!
- 10% is reached with straw bedding (except sheep) and another 10% with a clean trough area.

- The remaining 80% are generated through proper feeding.

- Sheep:
- Simply need grass or hay = 100%

- Pigs:
- 50% Base food: Corn
- 25% Grain: Wheat or Barley
- 20% Protein: Canola or Sunflowers or Soybeans
- 5% Root crops: Potatoes or Sugar Beets

- The feed does not need to be mixed, just drop it in the trough, the pigs aren’t very picky. If you don't really need 100% simply go for maize and wheat (or barley) to reach a nice 75%.
- To max out at 100% you have to feed them everything. Or you buy expensive pig food in BigBags which already contain the perfect balance of all 4 types.

- Cows:
- 50% Base food: Hay or Silage
- 30% Power food: (is contained partially in TMR)
- 20% fresh grass.

- You can now feed cows on hay and fresh grass alone and still go up to 70% productivity. (Btw hay stays hay in the loading wagons now!)
- To max out at 100% you have to feed them TMR (which counts for base food and power food at the same time) which will go to 80% and then on top add some fresh grass to reach the full 100%.

- Play as a Farmer or Farmeress ;)
- The bale trailer and others have dynamic tension belts that can be used to strap down bales, wood, pallets or BigBags for safer transport.
- Small physical objects can be picked up, carried, dropped or thrown. Initially intended to allow the player to pick up the small wood leftovers which are hard to grab with a front loader and throw them in a chipper, this was extended to allow to pick up any physical object that's small and light enough to just play around with. :p
- Internet radio streaming or other music can be played in the vehicles radio.
- You can drive trains and one selling point is exclusive to train delivery.
- Corn can now be chopped in the last still green growth stage as well!
- Head- and Eye-tracking support. (Track-IR etc.)
- Beacon lights can be set to use real lights (IF your PC is powerful enough).
- The yellow/black striped trigger markings can be removed if you already know where stuff is and don't need them.
- The mini map can be expanded to large, set to normal gps size or completely hidden.
- In the map menu you can zoom and scroll on the map, set beacon markers for better orientation and teleport directly to places without the need to park a vehicle to tab there.
- The vehicle cameras last position and orientation is saved per vehicle!
- AI traffic works in MP or can be turned off in the settings.

This list is not complete, just jotting down the things i could quickly think of Cheers

M.A.R.C. said:
Hi all :Hi:

I need not take a position for large leak, there was certainly not planned, man man man is to press even today no longer rely ... The whole then comes next week even by us "beautiful" in ;)

fact, I'm even not so as it just so, again some time.
as some have already noted, there are a hundred ways to gamble the LS and everyone should make the game play like he wants.
A basic principle for us is that the player everything can but nothing have to be. The playfulness advantages should do incite something fertilize, plow etc but who is satisfied with the normal yield and no desire on the part has must not.

What was there else in the last 50 pages
- the quantities of blades on the website are possibly not date because us what went wrong, the site is still ge updated that fits as in the game and the amount of size is also.
- the Placeable Jenz and the power plant are ideal for the court to place, they serve directly as a selling point of wood or wood chips, but pay less than the sawmill. Advantage is just that you do not have to travel so far.
- The Terra Felis eludes complete the balancing of the game, because there are cheaper alternative, is there because it is just mega cool and you can do the MP really sleep much beet. Turnips and potatoes are twice as valuable as the FS15 btw.
- Kesla is the header from Sampo, Möscha is attached to a slurry tanker, Vogelsang provides the hose from Veenhuis and Ziegler are the Rapsmesser the reapers. Therefore, the marks are as Trelleborg also not on the site.
- In the sheep, it has capacity for 6 wool pallets before you have to create new space again. The wool is additionally in a barred cage, so you can Stack the Paltten better. The same goes for the big bags, which are better stackable, as loose bags.
- Terra Variant does not come in the game ... but very soon in ModHub not afraid! The shop in the game is the buffet, which brings Modhub then something dessert : D
- Of course, you can still turn plants dying.
- Tip Anything ... really ... ANYTHING. . Manure deposited in NEN tipper and at the edges, then load from there, no problemo

And because I'm straight funny I once a screen cobbled together to show that everyone can play like he wants ;)and at the same time answer some ask:


I look again today past when it can, furthermore a lot of fun there are only 10 days left! Wheeeeeeee: D
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So what’s new in the sixth edition of Farming Simulator?

Mods on consoles (Devblog 9):
  • Some mods will be available on consoles, including maps, depending on the detail involved and whether that mod has external scripts. Mods are restricted to either brands that are included in the game or where the brand is entirely fictional (though brands are still unrestricted for PC). Non-stock scripts can’t be used on consoles due to Microsoft and Sony restrictions, so presumably things like having passengers and functioning doors and windows won’t be possible on console mods.
  • For the first time maps can also be added to consoles, and I've heard that Oxygendavid is releasing his new map, Portland Bill, as one of around 25 mods to be released for consoles and PCs soon after FS17 is released, though that hasn't been confirmed. There’s also talk that he’s converting his Chellington, Sandy Bay and Thornton maps for console release and I’m sure other map makers will be intending to convert their maps too.

New brands (Devblog 6):
  • Massey Ferguson, Challenger, Fendt and Valtra have been added as well as new implement brands.
  • FS15’s DLC brands such as JCB, Kverneland and Holmer have been brought into the main game.
  • The major existing brands in FS15 such as New Holland, Case and Deutz Fahr continue in FS17.

New maps (Devblog 2):
  • Goldcrest Valley, based in America, is the new map for FS17. Still lots of square fields, but the map itself looks good, making good use of the far improved dynamic lighting system they’ve created (expect modders to take those lights and run with them).
  • FS15’s Gold Edition map, Sosnovka, has been carried over from the Gold Edition too, though it’s a shame Bjornholm hasn’t been, as it was probably their best map yet and we won’t have anything West-European in the base game – it should be an easy conversion though.
  • As mentioned in the console section above, there is expected to be at least 1 mod-map ready for or soon after FS17’s release. Other mod-maps will follow.

New crops (Devblog 3):
  • Sunflowers (which turn to follow the sun in game).
  • Soybeans.
  • Poplar (which you use a forage harvester to harvest as woodchips).

Driveable trains and crane (Devblog 5):
  • There are two trains on the new Goldcrest Valley map, and they are both driveable, allowing you to shift goods from one point on the map and store or sell them elsewhere. The train aspect is very basic, but it ought to give a sense of immersive when playing in multiplayer. It is unknown if Sosnovka has gained driveable trains.
  • There’s also a large static crane for loading and unloading the trains.

Other farmers:
  • Fields you don’t own will appear to be ‘worked’ by other farmers, so they’ll have crops growing in them and harvested and so on. You won’t see the farmer or tractors (for performance reasons apparently) but it ought to make the map more fluid and dynamic, rather than just having a load of plain brown fields. Also see “Contracting” below for how you can interact with fields you don’t own.

Contracting (Devblog 1):
  • You can now interact with a field’s buy icon and this will often give you the option of doing some contracting work. You’ll be provided with the necessary implements to work that field, depending on what stage the field is at, for example a combine if crops are ready to be harvested. Apparently this is a good way to drive other machines before you can afford them yourself. I guess this has replaced the mission system from previous FS games.

Customisable vehicles (Devblog 7):
  • You are now able to customise vehicles with different engines, different sized wheels, double wheels, wheel weights or adding a front-loader attachment. This varies from vehicle to vehicle.
  • With some machines you can customise the body and wheel colour too.

Hired workers:
  • They work! They even reverse in fields! For example, in FS15 the workers sometimes struggled to turn sharp enough with the 6m Vaderstad seed drill, missing patches as a result – in FS17 they will simply reverse to give themselves space, turn and then reverse back into the correct position.
  • Hired workers are also apparently able to avoid trees and other static objects (perhaps even hedges on UK maps?).
  • They can also use seeds and fertiliser themselves, as well as fuel, however they won’t drive to the farm to get them, they’ll just subtract them from your stored amount, which is what some mods did in FS15 anyway.

Rotating tractors:
  • In at least one tractor, a Valtra the seat, wheel and pedals can be rotated so that you’re driving the tractor in reverse, looking through the rear window. This is most commonly used when mowing grass as it gives you a better view.

Transport trailers straps:
  • Bale, log and I believe equipment trailers can now have their cargo locked into place by adding straps. All this does is secure all equipment to the trailer as a rigid item, so even bales that aren't strapped in can't fall off. It's something mod trailers have offered in previous FS games, but it's great to have it in the base game now too. The equipment on trailers won't have visible straps due to complexities of the many shapes involved, but they will remain locked in place anyway.

Renting equipment:
  • Do you just need to use something briefly? Why not rent it rather than buying it? It could make for a great way to get going early in the game. It’s expensive, but when you consider how much you can do with a tractor in a day in FS, it may be worth it.

Tip anywhere:
  • You can now tip any filltype anywhere on the ground, for instance from a trailer or bucket. In the UK we often dump potatoes in a heap on the edge of a field before collecting them later. We also often store manure in a field ready for spreading later, so this is now entirely possible.
  • If you were to combine this with a conveyer belt mod (likely PC only due to scripts) you’ll have a quick way of loading these heaps into a trailer too.

Grass fields are now actually fields:
  • Unlike in FS15 and earlier, grass fields are now actually fields rather than large meadows, meaning you can now plough, cultivate, etc as you would any other field, and converting a field between grass and arable will be a simple job – in FS15 this could be quite messy.
  • This also means that hired workers can now treat them as standard fields, ploughing and working them as they could the other fields.
  • Grass fields can be fertilised like any other field for improved yield.

New fertilisation system:
  • In order to get the maximum yield from your crops you will need to fertilise your fields 3 times per crop cycle, with at least one growth stage separating each fertilisation. For example, you could spread manure on your fields before ploughing them, then fertilise them after seeding them, then spray them once the crops have started growing – you’ll be able to keep track through the map in the interactive menu. I assume this is fully optional and you can disable the need for this in the options, as this could get too tedious for casual players.
  • For optimal yield you will also need to plough a field once it has been harvested 3 times, otherwise yield will drop by 10%.
  • There is also a new ‘cover crop’; radishes. A cover crop is planted and allowed to grow before being ploughed back into the ground, acting as a way of fertilising the crop. Again, I assume this is possible, and perhaps the ploughing above too.

Silage pits are now workable as in real life:
  • In FS15 you tipped a trailer of grass or chopped corn in the pit and ran over it a few times to compress it and you were done. Normally in the UK we dump the trailer in front of the pit and then have a tractor shove that silage into the pit, compressing it as they go – we can also do that in FS now. It should add another element, and again immersion in multiplayer.

Livestock (Devblog 4):
  • Pigs have been introduced alongside the cows and sheep.
  • For the first time in the standard game, you can transport your animals to the farm after buying them and transport them to the market to sell them, as well as making money from their milk and wool (pigs don't produce any side income)
  • Animals also breed in FS17 depending on how well you look after them, though as this is Pegi 3 there will be no conceiving.

A few other new things:
  • You can now buy food for your animals, so if you don’t want to work the arable side of things you don’t have to (though depending on the difficulty level you choose, you may need to work the arable side initially so you can afford the animals and necessary equipment).
  • Big bags for filling implements. Rather than just moving next to a pile of seeds and pressing a button to refill, you can now choose to use big bags to fill seed drills and fertiliser spreaders, as most UK farmers do. Bring a telehandler to a field with a small trailer with the bags. As above you can also purchase ready-mixed bags of food for your animals.
  • We now have the ability to interact with small objects, for example picking up small sticks when doing forestry work, or even playing with a basketball at the court in the map… perhaps it will open up some good mod possibilities though.
  • Traffic now works in multiplayer, and they apparently drive faster on the highway (this is America) though they still look fairly slow.
  • You can start and stop your engine manually, so getting out of a tractor won’t turn the engine off, meaning you won’t need to wait before you can drive off when you return to the cab. It will be the same when teleporting to another vehicle.
  • Weeding equipment has been added to the list of implements, though we haven’t been told what effect they will have yet.
  • Upgradable storage – the silos now only store so much (100,000L I think it is) so if you wish to store more you’ll need to purchase extra storage for your farm.
  • Track IR and Tobii EyeX support has been built in. It remains to be seen whether other devices such as Track Hat just work too, though it shouldn’t take much to support it: Devblog 8
  • In-tractor (or always on) radio, with four base radio stations or you can generate your own radio station with MP3s: Devblog 10
  • There’ll be other small things, and I’ll have forgotten some key things too no doubt.
FS17 and more likely FS19 could find a rival in Cattle and Crops, mainly being developed by ex-Farming Simulator modders and looking promising. It’s already blasted through a Kickstarter target in a couple of days, shown off a very well received promo video (below) and is due to enter Early Access next year with full release at the end of the year (but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was pushed into 2018 as they aren’t rushing development like the Farming Expert 2017 team). CnC is likely to be aimed at FS17 and FS19 players, but with a bit more in-depth approach, with a degree of farm management as well as farm work.

There’s also Pure Farming 17 by Techland (known for Dying Light, Dead Island and Call of Juarez). They’ve shown a few trailers, but little is known of their target audience (it looks slightly less sim-like at the moment, but it’s hard to tell). It is due to be released at some point in 2017.

Farm Expert 2017 was released a month or two back but it was released in a fairly poor state and despite patches I've heard it's still not worthy of your money. The developers rushed the final product out rather than trying to get Kickstarter or Early Access support. I think it was dead before it got going sadly.
Added today's Factsheet #18 featuring the Terra Felis, Case Optum & Joskin Trans-Space.

The vehicle list at has been updated today.
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Oooh which thread to choose from? They should have a fight!

Yeah, I spent hours crafting those posts and wasn't expecting another to have been posted in the meantime given the game is more than a week away (I didn't even notice it after I'd posted mine, or even when replying earlier!).

I've trusted Stulid to ask if my 2nd and 3rd posts can be merged into this thread, as while some of the info will be duplicated, it was all my own writing.
This does indeed look interesting.

Can you drive trains?

Is there an element of truck simulation?

I hope the animal husbandry is more detailed than previous titles.

Is TrackIR supported does anyone know?
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Yes you can drive trains.

Truck simulation not really. Mainly farm vehicles i.e tractors and alike.

But you can still drive the lorrys?

Do you know if the previous ones supported TrackIR?

Anyone here have the Saitek controller, is it worth splashing out on?
But you can still drive the lorrys?

Do you know if the previous ones supported TrackIR?

Anyone here have the Saitek controller, is it worth splashing out on?

You can still drive lorries. There are 3 in game we know of - 2 American style lorries (1 a sleeper) and a MAN European style. You can see them here under Vehicles > Lizard and Vehicles > MAN.

Yes TrackIR is natively supported in 17, as is Tobii EyeX.

The Saitek wheel is utterly rubbish, is terribly made and falls apart in no time at all. The control panel is good though.

Personally I'd say just use a standard PC wheel and pedals and get a £3 detachable steering knob from Amazon. Get the control panel separately if you wish, but I'm going to try a joystick on the side this time around instead of the control panel.
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But you can still drive the lorrys?

Do you know if the previous ones supported TrackIR?

Anyone here have the Saitek controller, is it worth splashing out on?

Yes you can drive the lorrys and trains.

Head tracking is supported in FS 17, check out the Dev blogs above.

The Saitek wheel isn't great, they have recently been bought by Logitech so hopefully the quality will improve.

The side panel is available separately if you can find stock.
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Some new screenshots showing some old machines

Case IH 1445 ?
New Holland 8340 ?
Case Combine Model ?






Yeah, I spent hours crafting those posts and wasn't expecting another to have been posted in the meantime given the game is more than a week away (I didn't even notice it after I'd posted mine, or even when replying earlier!).

I've trusted Stulid to ask if my 2nd and 3rd posts can be merged into this thread, as while some of the info will be duplicated, it was all my own writing.

Both threads were beautifully crafted. You never know, in an alternate reality, yours might have been first.
Both threads were beautifully crafted. You never know, in an alternate reality, yours might have been first.
Indeed. I was kicking myself for not checking first, but Mike's post was well written too.

Thanks to whichever mod merged my 2nd and 3rd posts into this thread (I assume Stulid as I trusted him). :)

Some new screenshots showing some old machines

Case IH 1445 ?
New Holland 8340 ?
Case Combine Model ?







The Case combine is a 1660.
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