Fat, healthy and happy.

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9 May 2005
My lobes, that is...

Just popped them up to 18mm over the course of the last 5 days (thanks to the wonders of polytertraflouroethylene tape ;)) and now I'm sitting happy:


Unfortunately my only 18mm plugs are homoghey so I'm just wearing them backwards atm:


And, as it always gets asked...18mm holes, relaxed, without jewelery and with at least 10mm of happy, healthy and fat flesh all around:


To put it into perspective, my friend Harriet is at 22mm and has just about reached her lobes' limits:


Hopefully, if I keep on taking my time and going v e r y s l o w, I'll be able to comfortably hit 50mm...

[TW]Fox said:
I'm going to try a new idea - I'm simply going to post, on the assumption that penski can imagine exactly what I'm thinking without me needing to say it :D

I love you too, schnookums.

Besides, I've seen your gallery on BMEhard - 'Mondeo' inked somewhere very private...

Tried&Tested said:
Your friend Harriet looks a bit nice.

Hell, yeah.

Looks cool with the black ear bit...horrible all dangling about. :eek:

Hehehe...You knows it :p

jezsoup said:
Pardon the ignorance but what defines your lobes limit

Initial lobe size, speed of stretching, technique used, skin elasticity...Loads of things...

Saberu said:
Why would you want to deform your ear lobes like that? :eek:

I like the way they look and feel.

Although I do think the plugs look cool the holes in the ears are scary!

Yeah - you get a bit of a cat's arse effect without jewelery in.

Neon said:
Right... and we needed to know about your plug size because?...

Quality trolling there from, Neon. May I suggest that you reply to every other thread with 'we needed to know this because?...'

jezsoup said:
his pwns penskis!!

My lip's only at 6mm...Unfortunately, the current climate in the UK prevents me from going bigger.

jezsoup said:
but what if you stretch slower? a la penski?

I've always had big, fat lobes...I also have brilliantly-placed piercings and going very slowly has allowed my lobes to adjust to the new sizes easily. Going fast can lead to blowouts or thinning of the tissue.

chris_r said:
WTF? Someone please explain the background on this

It's a stretched lip piercing, designed to accomodate a large plug.

Neon said:
hmmm.. just wondering why we to know thats all,

As has already been proven in the thread; to demonstrate to individuals who may not have experienced it and educate them as to the possibilities...

i take it your chuffed with them? :)

I am, yes.

Mohinder said:
I seen some of that. Shame really, the bird was fit.

She had puke on her though, spoilt it a bit.

I once stumbled down an alley near The World's End in Camden with a barmaid from there...I vomited on her when I saw she had hairy nipples. Mixing drinks is not a good idea.

Bloody weird Dutch girls.

kdd said:
Hmm... still i think, why?


I answered that like...25 posts ago?

Mr Spew said:
Being that big means they'll never go back to their original state, doesn't it?

Yup. I'll only have boring lobes if I have them surgically closed.

Seb said:
i really dont see why anyone would ever want to make holes in their body. you must be a fruitcake.

Well thanks for that succinct yet all-encompassing slice of keyboard-psychology.

If you can't get past the 'I don't understand it so you must have mental problems' bit then I suggest that you talk to a medical professional about your issues.

Don't hate me 'cuz I'm beautiful ;)

kdd said:
I just can't see the point, it doesn't look nice or cool or whatever

That's completely subjective; I like the way they look. What does it matter if others don't?

and i would imagine ear lobes feel nicer in one piece. But hey one mans etc etc.

My lobes are in one piece. I have had nothing removed.

kdd said:
You know what i meant. But yeah fair enough i find it rather odd but that is my perception.

Perception is everything but it is easily altered.

Get some mescaline down you, boyo ;)

Magic_x_uk said:
Pardon my ignorance, but what happens when one day you decide you dont want them anymore, do they go back to normal and the hole kind of fills in ?

I dont know anything about this, have seen them on people. Each to there own i say.
Just curious what happens when you dont want it anymore



if I decide to take them out, my lobes will look like the pic up there^

As I've already posted in the thread; I'd need to have my lobes cut and sewn to have 'normal'-looking lobes again.

Tom|Nbk said:
i have strong feeling's on stuff like this, makes me squemish etc, like i said i didnt mean to directly offend anyone the post was open to discussion i added my 2 penneth, as i would in any normal discussion, end of

No; you came blazing in with derogatory comments levelled directly at myself which makes you nothing more than a troll. I am wide open to debate and constructive criticism but if you are just going to storm in here and call me a prat then I have no time nor tolerance for you.

dirtydog said:
What he does with his body is his business, yes, but I wish he'd keep his disgusting perversions off the forums. When he does that he makes it our business so any comments, negative or positive should be expected.

Crikey...Big holes in my earlobes are now classed as a 'disgusting perversion'?

Wow...That is something I didn't know.

dirtydog said:
You must realise most people will find it offensive or at least distasteful, so arguably you could be the one trolling by posting such a thread.

Actually, most people find it interesting and ask questions so sate their own curiousity.

It is a very, very rare occasion where I encounter a narrow-minded peon such as yourself who has such a violent reaction to something they don't understand.

Anyway I've had my say so I'll leave it now.

Buh-bye now...don't let the door hit you...

big_white_dog84 said:
Why on earth would anyone make themselves look so stupid? What a complete waste of time and effort. I bet our ancestors are so happy they industrialised now that our extra spare time is being spent so wisely.

Didn't Freefaller post earlier requesting that personal attacks weren't made?

As I've said already in this thread; if it's not your thing, that's fine...But why do you feel the need to make up for your own shortcomings and lack of self-respect by attacking others?

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