Fat, healthy and happy.

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dirtydog said:
It's ironic you saying that because I feel people who abuse their bodies like you do must be trying to compensate for something too.


An I don't abuse my body, thank you. I decorate it.

big_white_dog84 said:
I don't. It wasn't an attack. I cannot understand why anyone would choose to walk around looking so ridiculous. People will be laughing at you as you walk past. Not an attack - a statement of fact.

It is a personal attack; you have an opinion (NOT a statement of fact) and you chose to express it by attacking me personally; you have just done it again.

Your mother really must be proud of the well-adjusted and friendly young man you've become.

KaHn said:
I for one think it suits Penski and certian people, on me it would just look stupid.

Penksi, 50mm is bloody huge! you sure your not going to snap your lobes before you get to that if you push it too hard?


If I push too hard and too fast my lobes will snap, yes...

I've taken it very slowly and deliberately so far; It will probably be another three years or thereabouts before I hit 2".

Raikiri said:
Personally I have seen loads of people with these in and nobody laughed, had the odd chav say something to 'em but nothing else.

A very interesting point.

In my experience, the same thing happens - any sensible, normal person says nothing or, if they have a question, asks it.

The only people I have ever encountered who respond in the manner that big_white_dog has have been the rockport-and-tracksuit-wearing, nasal-screeching, acne-ridden types that hang around outside offlicences and accost people, asking them "How, Min...Yergonna Gan Buy us some peeve, liiiiike?"

Brynn said:
I think it would look daft on me too, I dont really have earlobes, my lower ear just connects to my head. No 'dangly' bits

My ex had attached earlobes...She had her lobes pierced quite high and stretched them out to about 8mm...Now she has dangly lobes :)

Mad old tory said:
Haha I get the feeling penski would rather cut his johnson off than have any kind of spinner. He'd probably go for satin o "steelie" plugs though. :p

Oh how little you know; a feweler friend of mine is currently drawing up a pair of 50mm platinum-edged titanium tunnels with Swarovsky crystals on the facing edge.

Bling, yo.


big_white_dog84 said:
A damn sight more proud than yours is if you walk about in that state.

My mum's incredibly proud of me and loves my piercings as part of me.

After all, her son is successful, comfortable, has a loving girlfriend in a long-term relationship, a great place to live, a fantastic job and, most importantly, I'm very, VERY happy with my life; I want for nothing, have no worries, no regrets and, very importantly for me, I don't have to check my bank balance before buying a random gadget or another car.

Yup...I can see why my mother would be ashamed when she could have a bolshy and arrogant chit (not a typo) of a son instead...

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