Fatty gorges herself to death whilst in hospital.

1 Dec 2003
West Lothian, Scotland
Poor woman, she was forced to over eat for 20 years, poor woman, it wasnt her fault. People empathise with people they feel are deserving of empathy. You made your bed, now lie in it.

Indeed, in this case the woman couldn't do anything but this!

And the post about mocking her to increase our own egos. That's certainly not my reason, I just find it amusing.
30 Oct 2003
Indeed, in this case the woman couldn't do anything but this!

And the post about mocking her to increase our own egos. That's certainly not my reason, I just find it amusing.

Just to clarify;

1) You find the death of another human funny?
2) You deny that the circumstances behind this death and the fact that you find it funny massages your ego?

I'll assume you're an honest person and telling the truth, but I am somewhat sceptical.
16 Aug 2009
South Wales/USA
hell yes.

The Darwin awards are always worth a chuckle.

I don't care about that. I want a word with you.

I set up my peaceful empire, subverting people to my culture and what not, remaining neutral and steadily expanding at the same time...then guess what?!

Pirates. Destroyed everything.

Why didn't you warn me!

and yeah, fatty died by KFC. Only sad thing about it is that an African Village could have survived off her breakfast for a month.
16 Aug 2009
South Wales/USA
Super event I think, they came from all over the map and destroyed my umm culture station thingys :(
My fleet was only starships I bought from every race xD

I'm rolling in the moneys! Second highest pop, best technology and trade. My military is pathetic...DAMN PIRATES!


and now the terrans have waged war on me out of the blue :(
'We know what you're up too!'

I just want peace maan!
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30 Jun 2007
and now the terrans have waged war on me out of the blue :(
'We know what you're up too!'

I just want peace maan!

that means you have ships near thier space/planets and they think you're about to invade :p

What intelligence levels are the ai?

Also go to options>gameplay "force ai to use max cpu - yes"

Makes them much more interesting (not nessicerily harder just more life like)
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
I guess some of the posts I wrote were a bit un thought of.

I just really dislike people who knowingly and by their own fault leech other taxpayer's money, in practice, they ruin the lives of the working and genuinely ( without blame that is...) ill. I respond quite badly to it. I don't even know how people can live and be happy without a job.

She probably wasn't doing it knowingly, or if she was she couldn't really choose away from it.

The family... now they knew what they were doing.
27 Oct 2005
She probably wasn't doing it knowingly, or if she was she couldn't really choose away from it.

The family... now they knew what they were doing.

Exactly, odd how they didn't try to help her. I'm not sure though if she was really mentally ill. It was all a result though of trying to get a kid which was definitely her own choice, and then initially, turning to food for comfort, I don't know, even addicting games would a be a better thing to turn to...
29 Aug 2006
In a world of my own
For the benefit of the bleeding heart liberals in this thread who have been harping on about how she must have had some underlying mental illness and it couldn't possibly have been just that she was fat and greedy, here are some quotes from her in her last interview with "Closer" magazine before she died:

In her final days Sharon Mevsimler moaned that a gastric band intended to help her slim was stopping her scoffing the junk food she craved. Sharon Mevsimler, 41, whose weight peaked at a massive 45st, hated having to chew her meals properly instead of bolting down huge mouthfuls.

People who have the stomach op to regulate food intake are told they must chew tiny pieces of food up to 25 times - but Sharon complained it left her EXHAUSTED. In a last interview, bedridden Sharon revealed she REGRETTED having the gastric band fitted - at a cost of £10,000 to the taxpayer.

She said:
I thought surgery was the easiest way to lose weight fast.
I hated my life and wanted to play with my kids like a normal mum.
But now I'm even more miserable because I'm struggling to eat food like chocolate and takeaways.
If I'd listened to doctors and taken the diet route instead of surgery, at least I could've had the odd piece of chocolate or cake.
But with a gastric bypass I have to chew for ages, which can be exhausting, so I don't manage to eat as much.

This is NOT mental illness it's GLUTTONY plain and simple - fat useless waste of space who got what she deserved imho.
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