Fatty gorges herself to death whilst in hospital.

16 Jun 2004
For the benefit of the bleeding heart liberals in this thread who have been harping on about how she must have had some underlying mental illness and it could possibly have been just that she was fat and greedy, here are some quotes from her in her last interview with "Closer" magazine before she died:

In her final days Sharon Mevsimler moaned that a gastric band intended to help her slim was stopping her scoffing the junk food she craved. Sharon Mevsimler, 41, whose weight peaked at a massive 45st, hated having to chew her meals properly instead of bolting down huge mouthfuls.

People who have the stomach op to regulate food intake are told they must chew tiny pieces of food up to 25 times - but Sharon complained it left her EXHAUSTED. In a last interview, bedridden Sharon revealed she REGRETTED having the gastric band fitted - at a cost of £10,000 to the taxpayer.

She said: "

This is NOT mental illness it's GLUTTONY plain and simple - fat useless waste of space who got what she deserved imho.

How could someone like the person described above not have a mental illness or disorder of some kind? Is this behaviour normal?

Like a great many people she had an illness which could not be treated.

For sure, only she can be blamed for what happened, but the tone of this thread just shows how little is understood about mental illness and how quick people are to judge and ridicule that which they do not understand!
29 Aug 2006
In a world of my own
For sure, only she can be blamed for what happened, but the tone of this thread just shows how little is understood about mental illness and how quick people are to judge and ridicule that which they do not understand!

Also goes to show how some posters just cannot accept that it's possible for some people to just be plain greedy, always has to be the excuse of "mental illness"....
16 Aug 2009
South Wales/USA
that means you have ships near thier space/planets and they think you're about to invade :p

What intelligence levels are the ai?

Also go to options>gameplay "force ai to use max cpu - yes"

Makes them much more interesting (not nessicerily harder just more life like)

I had just bought one of their defenders, next thing bam blue flooding over me!

Luckily they're at war with everyone else aswell! So it's everyone vs Terrans.

Might start a new game, learning thingd as I go along. Screw the manual!
16 Jun 2004
Also goes to show how some posters just cannot accept that it's possible for some people to just be plain greedy, always has to be the excuse of "mental illness"....

Possible -yes it is possible! But she's still a person. Does she deserve all the ridicule?
29 Aug 2006
In a world of my own
Possible -yes it is possible! But she's still a person. Does she deserve all the ridicule?

Did you not read what she said after getting the gastric band operation?

Complete idiot who ATE herself to death!

Yes, in my opinion she does deserve all the ridicule! If not her then I don't know who.....
16 Jun 2004
Did you not read what she said after getting the gastric band operation?

Complete idiot who ATE herself to death!

Yes, in my opinion she does deserve all the ridicule! If not her then I don't know who.....

Ok! Then what about all the other people who do similar things. Plenty of people such as, alcoholics, drug addicts, smokers, disabetics, sportsmen etc receive costly treatments, ignore medical advice and thus sow the seeds of their own doom. Why do they not receive the same derision as this women?
6 Jan 2005
And if a Bus had just killed all her family she'd still be alive! Being unable to leave her bed and all. Not like she was going to starve for awhile.

I've no sympathy for people in general, not just "mentally ill" people. I'd rather that sort of crowd didn't get the chance to breed and I honestly think we are the downfall of our species and it pains me to know that I'll be contributing to said downfall :(
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
It seems that none of you have a clue about eating disorders but up until the age of 30 I would have also laughed.
In 1988 I was sectioned into a Mental Hospital and the ward I was in was full of anorexic/bulemic patients.
Amazingly at 30 I was the youngest and it was about 75% male going up to the age of about 80 completely shattering the myth that only teenage girls get eating disorders.
It's very easy to get taken in by food until it can kill you and every day since my big battle has been a constant battle with food but I'm now wise enough not to get in that state again.
So stand back and think about what hell this stupid woman and her family have been going through for years.
It's very easy to say that they fed her but you have no idea what they have gone through like I didn't have a clue what my wife went through.
I'll leave it at that.
24 Sep 2008

It can seriously shatter peoples lives and families and trying to explain to people what depression/disorders do to your mind and actions is nigh on impossible.

My friend asked me what it was like to have depression, I tried to explain to the best of my ability to which he then said "I would just get on with it"

Which seems to be the case a lot of ignorant people say.


(I hope you're still beating the demons down dude)
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
My friend asked me what it was like to have depression, I tried to explain to the best of my ability to which he then said "I would just get on with it"

When I went back to work (a factory) my boss just said 'I don't understand why you don't just eat' and shook his head.
I went back to the factory floor and everywhere I looked were Mars Bars :)
You have to laugh, nothing I wouldn't have done.
Not as bad as the guy who had radiotherapy and they kept dropping maggots all around his work area.
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