Fatty gorges herself to death whilst in hospital.

25 Jan 2009
You literally have no understanding of mental illness. I'm vacating the thread, there's nothing more to be discussed.

I clearly understand it better than you if you don't know what I'm trying to say :rolleyes:

There's no need to vacate the thread because of me... You can just choose to ignore me
9 Oct 2009
United Kingdom
i do feel sorry for her a little, psychologically it must have been aweful and she must have had some sort of insight into her condition. Another part of me agrees with some to the comments above that its her own fault. In order to get a gastric band she must have shown she was able to stick to a diet and lose weight before hand, then something just went wrong maybe?
1 Nov 2002
Personally I think all fatties should be sent to work camps where they can loose some weight and repay their debt to society for having cost the NHS so much. They're who have made England what it is today.
26 Feb 2007
Leafy Cheshire
I clearly understand it better than you if you don't know what I'm trying to say :rolleyes:

Clearly what you understand is some self-theorised definition of mental instability that i'm not aware of.

You are probably correct in saying people who suffer an inability to control their actions, reflexes or interpretations (including their ability to make a choice or understand there is a choice to be made) are responsible for acting upon them, or not. What do i know?
12 May 2005
Oh dear…. Hmmm whilst I agree with the natural selection and survival of the fittest comments to a certain degree, I have to say – what a sad and quite frankly shocking story to read.

Looking at the wedding photo posted, she was a rather attractive ordinary looking lass. I find it quite disturbing that her husband and her family allowed her to get into such a state, however withstanding mental illness comments and such… In some ways its more the families fault then just her own.

I’m going to play devil advocates here, but we really do not know the full circumstances as to why she started to gain such a huge amount of weight. Speaking from some experience, I know all too well that its so easy to tip over to overeating or not eating enough with just the slightest change in circumstances to your life, or lifestyle.

Whatever the reasons for this horrendous body mass gain is, her family are the ones that let her die, and us taxpayers had done what we could to keep her alive.

I’ve battled myself with someone close to me who gained weight due to medication, slipped into depression and started to overeat on stupid foods, such as KFC. I approached the situation best I could, to which I finally watch this same person then become dangerously close to eating next to nothing and falling ill as a consequence.

Eating disorders are not to be taken lightly, they are triggered for a variety of many reasons. Looking in the mirror and seeing yourself as disfigured around the waist, or thinking you need more food when you do not..

You can be dangerously thin, as well as dangerously overweight and it’s a physiological problem, that leads to mental illness.

Her family should not have been taking junk food into the hospital. Its totally in-excusable behaviour, however we do not know the full reasons as to why they did this, what were their motives for this? What is clear, is that overeating for whatever reason, pleasure, mental illness etc can be detrimental to your health, and your life, on the flip side so can under eating and is saddening to know that not only can overeating or under eating too much or too little food can kill you, just the same as drug dependency and other fatal addictions can kill you.

I felt quite sick when I saw the before and after pictures… It was quite harrowing. I just wish I could post before and after pictures of my missus – when she’d gained so much weight after medication, depression and over-eating to what she looks like now (you wouldn't beleive the change, she looks so much better for what she has now managed to do with herself, proud of her). It can be turned around, however depends on circumstances… I’ll show this to my gf tonight, she’ll cry when she reads it.

To all the rest that say ‘good she's dead’. Entitled to your opinion. Hope something similar never happens in your family.

And this has been known before, Orson Welles was well known for overeating, and that killed him eventually. Its nothing new.
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18 Oct 2002
I really doubt that.

Do you believe a schizophrenic should snap out of it and learn to interpret their distorted perceptions properly?

You have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm not sure what your point is, a schizophrenic might not be capable of controlling how sensibly they react to things, but it also wouldn't instantly cause them to eat themselves to death.

Not reacting "normally" to situations because of a mental illness of one kind or another does NOT mean they are instantly incapable of making any decision about anything, and they don't all instantly make the wrong decision about everything. Thats shockingly why not everyone with a mental disorder, kills themselves instantly, or eats themselves to death, or decides they can walk off a cliff without dying.

Theres also nothing to suggest theres anything wrong with her, depression can make you eat, so what, depression doesn't make you incapable of getting help, and she had saught help.

She acknowledged she was overweight, ate to much and had to lose weight, she accepted this, logically, and it was her choice to continue eating.

Her family are pathetic imbiciles, who really maybe should face charges. The hospital, meh, they SHOULD have gotten her, locked her in a room, strapped her to a bed, fed her by a drip bag, and refused to allow entry to the family, well, without a stripsearch anyway. If they did any of that, the family would probably have sued the NHS, and probably have won, because this country is becoming a joke.

The NHS really isn't allowed to just make choices for people, nor are they allowed to accost a family, confiscate food from them, or prevent the woman eating, she and her family have free will and nothing they did was illegal, there was nothing legal the doctors could have done to prevent them doing what they did.

Fact is, however bad she was, if she was at home, if there was food in the house she could have gone and got it herself and no one could have done anything, but in hospital, in bed, without the family bringing her extra food, she would not likely have had any extra food so the family should be held accountable in some way, even if it seems harsh because of their loss, so the hell what.
16 Aug 2009
Luton, England
How can you even say her death was anything to do with mental illness? What she passed it on to her family?

Her family should have known that she was in trouble, she was on a strict diet and yet they caved in when she begged them to get her crappy foods, they should have said "no" and just accepted this was for the greater good. She's greedy and her family are stupid for giving in to her greed, if you're on a diet everyone around you needs to accept the diet as well for it to work, firstly so they don't tempt you and secondly so they can help you. Giving in and giving her the food which got her to that point in the first place is ****ing stupid, stupidity is what killed her, not an illness.
26 Feb 2007
Leafy Cheshire
I'm not sure what your point is, a schizophrenic might not be capable of controlling how sensibly they react to things, but it also wouldn't instantly cause them to eat themselves to death.

You've missed his point, which is why you're not sure what it is.

He's not applying his schizophrenic reference to the woman in the article. He's arguing with someone else who is saying people with a mental illness resulting in decreased perceptive function are ultimately responsible for those functions, broken or otherwise.



20 Nov 2005
South East
This is mainly the families fault imo, of course she's going to ask for more food, she's addicted to it. They should have just said no. This is borderline manslaughter by her family (ok, its not, but I hope you get my point).
17 Jul 2008
This is mainly the families fault imo, of course she's going to ask for more food, she's addicted to it. They should have just said no. This is borderline manslaughter by her family (ok, its not, but I hope you get my point).

they guy needs a good beating for utter stupidity...

I mean he must have some mental issues as well to feed that whale up like that...

my partner kept wanting meat and a fry up after she had some of her insides removed and I jsut laughed at her and told her no chance...
12 Mar 2004
I don't think the doctors failed. It was smuggling, hence the doctors wouldn't have known about it

Many people are very angry about the fact food that was known to be bad for her was brought into the hospital.

The matter was raised a number of times, but the problem persisted. By the end many staff were at their wits' end.

Maybe she wouldn't have died if the government upped it's paltry funding for neurological diseases like depression.
12 Jun 2010
you would expect there to be a point in her life where she said to herself "omg im fat i should do something about it" but she was greedy, thats what killed her. the gastric band is an easy cop out and only a person unwilling to diet would go for one. its not really a mental illness, it was an addiction.
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