Fatty gorges herself to death whilst in hospital.

7 Nov 2004
I'm not sure negligence is what I mean, could be.
My thoughts are that the woman killed herself by eating, the family assisted with her death.

Sure there could be blame for the hospital. The idiots shouldn't have been banned from visiting at all, they were clearly wrong in the head, bringing food to someone who's had this operation.

There must be some sort of case AGAINST the family?

It is extremely weird the fact the KFC didn't get noticed...I'm sorry, but the bucket isn't exactly small...It would have stunk the room out and theroretically gone into the hall of the ward (Presuming she was in an enclosed room by herself or 4 people etc)

So yes, the hospital probably could have noticed...But ugh
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
This is exactly what I mean by people not being able to take responsibility... blaming it all the time on mental condition, hell, I had really bad anger issue, and yet, I've managed to not kill anyone.

You know, some psychologists have posited that certain mental conditions can impair your ability to act responsibility.
18 Oct 2002
Back in East London
This is exactly what I mean by people not being able to take responsibility... blaming it all the time on mental condition, hell, I had really bad anger issue, and yet, I've managed to not kill anyone.
Way to go and jump to a conclusion. I haven't blamed anything, nor anyone, yet you've concluded that I am blaming her mental condition. Or at the least that her mental condition should take responsibility for it... how do you propose a mental condition take responsibility, anyway? :confused:

How do you propose someone who has a mental condition that causes judgmental errors take responsibility, when the very reason they are in their position is because their judgment is impaired, because of that mental condition?

That's just the same as saying Stephen Hawkings should get off his lazy arse and walk. It's his responsibility, after all.

For the record, I am merely highlighting that many of those who are simply saying "Good, fatty deserved it." etc. do not feel the same for someone with anorexia, or other eating disorder that has the polar opposite effect.
18 Mar 2008
To all those without sympathy for this "Fatty".

Would you feel the same if it were someone who suffers from Anorexia and died because they refused to eat?

If they were in hospital, and being fed through a drip, then they'd be fine, unless they kept pulling the drip out. However, then you could always put them under anesthetic and treat them. So if they were in hospital and being treated I would have less sympathy, especially if their family members were coming in just to pull the tubes out of her body.
25 Jan 2009
Way to go and jump to a conclusion. I haven't blamed anything, nor anyone, yet you've concluded that I am blaming her mental condition. Or at the least that her mental condition should take responsibility for it... how do you propose a mental condition take responsibility, anyway? :confused:

How do you propose someone who has a mental condition that causes judgmental errors take responsibility, when the very reason they are in their position is because their judgment is impaired, because of that mental condition?

That's just the same as saying Stephen Hawkings should get off his lazy arse and walk. It's his responsibility, after all.

For the record, I am merely highlighting that many of those who are simply saying "Good, fatty deserved it." etc. do not feel the same for someone with anorexia, or other eating disorder that has the polar opposite effect.

Everyone is responsible for their own actions, that is all to it.

Mental illness or whatever affecting your judgement does not make a difference whatsoever in my books, if someone had really bad anger issues and beat someone to death, or a phsychotic murdering someone, I wouldn't say "It wasn't his fault, he had issues", I'd say It's still ultimately his responsibility, so deal with it.

Stephen Hawkings is trying his best to walk again, and that is all to it. But hes still living his life to the fullest, and besides, this wasn't his choice, so I don't see why this is relevant in any way.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Everyone is responsible for their own actions, that is all to it.

Mental illness or whatever affecting your judgement does not make a difference whatsoever in my books, if someone had really bad anger issues and beat someone to death, or a phsychotic murdering someone, I wouldn't say "It wasn't his fault, he had issues", I'd say It's still ultimately his responsibility, so deal with it.

Stephen Hawkings is trying his best to walk again, and that is all to it. But hes still living his life to the fullest, and besides, this wasn't his choice, so I don't see why this is relevant in any way.

You don't know the first thing about mental illness, it appears.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
Absolutely no sympathy, she will have been massively overweight for years and years and done nothing to stop it. Talking about it like a car crash is just plain ridiculous. If car crashes happened over 20 years and you had a million chances to avoid it then you might have a point but as far as I know, they dont.

Christ, there are so many things that everyone enjoys and hates but we have to control ourselves. In fact screw it, we dont. The fact that she could get that fat speaks volumes about her family. You can't get your own food when you are that size and you certainly cant afford it without someone supporting your habit.

Would you all think it was so sad if something like cancer killed a smoker and the family were sneaking them fags at the hospital. An absolutely tiny percentage of people actually have a genuine genetic issue that causes them to gain weight at an accelerated rate. Smoking it known to be highly addictive but we dont think 'poor smoker, it wasnt his fault' but thats because the government have convinced the non smoking public that smokers are a sad sub species that we should look down upon with distain and no sympathy.

If your fat its your own fault, no one else. Not macdonalds or kfc. I couldnt care less if macdonalds pumped pure fat, salt and sugar into all their food till it popped. I still have that illusive power call self control that means that I have to make a decision to buy their food.
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18 Oct 2002
Back in East London
Everyone is responsible for their own actions, that is all to it.

Mental illness or whatever affecting your judgement does not make a difference whatsoever in my books, if someone had really bad anger issues and beat someone to death, or a phsychotic murdering someone, I wouldn't say "It wasn't his fault, he had issues", I'd say It's still ultimately his responsibility, so deal with it.

Stephen Hawkings is trying his best to walk again, and that is all to it. But hes still living his life to the fullest, and besides, this wasn't his choice, so I don't see why this is relevant in any way.

Because an eating disorder is that person's choice? :confused:

As above, you don't know the first thing about mental illness.
4 Jan 2005
If the family are responsible for her death then it's manslaughter. Would you support this charge?

I don't think you are wrong, I see your point. I think I have a different understanding of responsibility.

That's a difficult question, but I would think after some long deliberation I would support a manslaughter charge. It is a very hefty thing to say, but the family's actions have resulted in killing an individual. It should be noted that I believe the lady had no control over her actions.
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