faulty Deskstar?

22 Sep 2005

i bought a 160GB PATA Deskstar, unknown model number as i dont have it to hand.

no matter what i cannot install windows on it.
i know the install like the back of my hand, yet this is becoming a bit of a pain.

i got over the first 'non compatible partition ' hurdle, got to the point where windows copies the files and then restarts... and nothing. just somethign about missing c:/windows.ini

as i said... ive had nothing but trouble with this particular drive.
im wondering if its the jumper settings... theres a sticker with about 16 different combinations for 15 heads, 16 heads etc, which to be perfectly honest im unsure what the other settings are for ( not the usual slave, master, and CS ), and have never owned a deathstar !

does this sound like a borked disk
the drive is brand new, but its the jumpers that has thrown me off.
this is all i can pin it down to really. even thought he drives are being seen, and files are copying.

just found this

seems to explain those settings in detail. but as i said... the drive is *working*
i think ill just keep trying :(

different windows disc is next on the list. i don't see how but i suppose its a possibility.

R B Customs,

Tell us the model no and we should be able to help - Ive had a few Deskstars...

Shouldnt really need to change the jumpers drastically from stock - only master/slave - the remainder are mainly used for compatibility...

Also might be an idea to post the PC spec aswell (OS installing, mobo and BIOS version at least if its an old PC)...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Justintime said:
Not necessarily BS, have seen quite a few dead 160GXPs too though the 75GXP is the famous one in the family. Is it under the IBM or Hitachi brand?
No such thing as a 160GXP ;)

james.miller said:
lol you're a year or two too late for that one, mate.
About 5yrs to be precise - in PC terms a lifetime...

ps3ud0 :cool:
ps3ud0 said:
No such thing as a 160GXP ;)

Right, so i guess i imagined all those systems a few yrs ago i built with 160GXP hard disks? Also the few i owned?

Interview from a few yrs back: http://forums.storagereview.net/index.php?act=ST&f=2&t=2160

Q: So have there been as many failures with the 160GXP as the 75GXP?

A: Not at all. In fact, I haven't heard of any 160GXP failures yet.

Check here as well: http://translate.google.com/transla.../search?q=160gxp+ibm+160gb&hl=en&lr=&safe=off

Sometimes internet 'experts' should refer to google before making bold statements.
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Erm mate - next time try the manufacturers website (both IBM and HGST dont list a 160GXP, even under their RMA section)...

IBM - legacy Deskstar models

Ive personally bought a 75GXP, 120GXP and 180GXP (all IBMs) - there was never a 160GXP (not in the UK for sure - perhaps it was rebranded before launch to 180GXP?).

Sometimes internet 'idiots' should check the manus website before using google :rolleyes: (see what I did there?). Im happy to be proven wrong, just dont act like a prat in future please (specific model number if possible)...

R B Customs: soz for the tangent - but heres a jumper link you might find useful

ps3ud0 :cool:
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For a non existant hard drive it sure has done well to get 10 pages in google..

I've had replacement drives from IBM themselves for GXP 75 drives come back as GXP 160 units, and as i said owned a few and built a few systems around them. But since you know all i guess theres no convincing you.

most references i've seen have been 120Gb models, but i know i've dealt with 160Gb models.
As I said - post me a model number and some info from a tracked reputable source - a forums post (even if it is from storage review) or a google-translated page really wont do...

Seriously if you had a model/serial number at least that could be RMA checked, for all intents and purposes the 160GXP doesnt exist and certainly IBM/Hitachi dont support them or acknowledge their existence. You dont need to convince me, just explain why their manufacturers apparently dont know anything about them...

I could google 'unicorns' and get over 3 million hits - doesnt mean that they exist, does it?

EDIT: Perhaps these were partially introduced when HGST bought out IBMs HD section and were rebranded as 7K250s)

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Justintime said:

Doubt its a ocuk competitor, only reference in this day and age i could find to that model no and 160GXP albeit under the Hitachi name.
Must be these then:


Only IBM drives to hit 160GB and support only ATA100 with 8Mb cache (though dates are a bit screwed up), as I said before though these never existed in the retail channel - Ive not found one reputable link that says otherwise...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Well that part no. only picks up 7K250 google hits, so it must have been something IBM developed before selling the business, just dont understand the dates though as that would have been way after the 180GXP family came out and the 7K250 family had already been launched.

Anyway might be worth keeping one as a momento considering ;). Probably something that people like me and Smids would find interesting, I guess I missed out cos my Deskstars never were Deathstars...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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