Favourite Jailbroken Applications

found it in cydia but really don't like how it works on the ipad so am open to other suggestions.
Yer its rather annoying, setting it is annoying compared to apples way in iOS4, then got to click home to go back to main page. I haven't come across anything else though and prefer having that instead of 8 pages of apps so
Using proswitcher right now instead of Circuitous. Its in alpha but it seems great. Was having a few problems with Circuitous, proswitcher is nicer as you can see what is on the screen though you should know anyway.

http://rpetri.ch/reposetup/ thats the source for cydia. Works on iPad and presumably iPhone as well
Ill add the source tomorrow, incase i need it again... but i've got rid of it in the past for a few reasons. One including i can't view youtube videos on forums when they use the embed code
Was thinking of getting WiFi Sync now it works with iPad and windows but it says required iTunes 9.1 and im on 9.2 so don't want to buy it and find out it doesnt work
I had the thought you could sync from wherever you are as long as you had wi-fi and your computer was on (like airvideo) though i really don't know..
Oh well that is really pointless =s...

BUT i could be downstairs and sync something slower most likely then i could if i walked upstairs and plugged it in!!
Anyone elses cydia not working? Mine just comes up with a load of errors and nothing is showing under sources/packages etc etc, can't search for anything.

(on iPad)
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Mine is working fine m8, just checked.

*EDIT* Just noticed you said iPad. I'm on my iPhone 4.
Was a ninja edit ;) Thanks anyway... rather annoying. Hope it suddenly comes back too life

EDIT: Just looked now and after a few errors everything is there :)
What can it download then :S?

EDIT: Went onto a certain site where i know you can download a video and wow.. pretty wicked! Though wasn't quite sure where to save it. Tried MiTube, i'll see where it goes. That failed. I just clicked downloads and thats now in media/downloads... well i have no clue how to get there without using a PC lol... Need it to go to 'videos'
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Thats why you need iFile because it lets you browse to any file/folder on the iPad ;)
Its even got a sidebar built in for the common folders such as downloads, photos, videos, music aswell as bookmarks to save you time.

Just one of the functions of iFile is being a nice OS browser on the iPad.

If you want the download to go to a specific folder then use "Save to" option when the download link appears in Safari
Well i tried the save to mxtube etc but it didn't work lol. I went on iphone explorer and hopefuly it deleted them. Ok ill go hunt for idisk :) you might be receiving an email.. im sure you can guess why haha. done ;p
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oh my.... /fail LOL
1) App store wouldn't allow that...
2) i should read more carefully ;)

While im in cydia going to install that update which also is in the new iOS updates. (PDF patch)
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Well so far this is useless lol.

I saved a photo from facebook too a folder i made up. It saved as photo.php and it won't open when i try and load it in image view and when i click it, it just comes up with t ext so. I tried to save a .flv video and well that doesn't load either =/

Seems like there could be some useful things in this source: http://apt.p2pworlds.co.uk

Got attachmentsaver from the source above. :)
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Mm, reinstalled it and got google images for example to save as jpegs. Though fb pics save as php so. Though tbh, can't see myself using the device anymore because off it. Maybe if I think of some use for it.
what sites if i may ask.

I had one from MU, might work for other sites like that. I tried it also with a .avi file but that didn't work so, thought it might because off the app which lets you sync avi files. Also another site i can't list. Not sure really though where else would work, to get the full potential of the app.
I have to say I'm still trying to get the hang off backgrounder, it's like some of my enabled apps close when I'm in other apps :s
Me too! I keep forgetting to use it and sometimes disable an app which I've previously enabled for background. I keep pressing the hold button which you don't need to do once you enable an app to be backgroundable.

Haven't really figured out how to go back into a background app so I use circuituous to show the list of open apps.

Backgrounding is real handy.
I'm using proswitch HD. The music, safari etc are weird with backgrounder as they don't 'close'
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