I’ve seen the consultant and I have to have surgery on my shoulder. I asked how many fractures there are and he stopped counting at eight. He described it as totally shattered and a ‘mush’ in there.
He said that when it’s all done, the best case scenario (one which he’d call a success) is where I can raise my arm to shoulder height.
It’s being done next Tuesday.
Many moons ago I was knocked off my bike and dislocated and fractured every bone in my right shoulder and tore 3/4 of the way through the muscle and tendon. I was also told I would probably not be able to lift my arm above shoulder level and that arthritis would probably set in before I hit age 40. Still, here I am at 48 and have full range of movement with no signs of arthritis. I continued to move my shoulder (through gritted teeth) as my stubborn nature couldn't allow my missus to do the mundane things of helping me dress. According to my local GP, who specialises in rugby injuries (likened my injuries to a really bad scrum collapse) it was my constant attempts at using my shoulder that likely helped to retain full movement.
It may help you and it may not but I wish you the best of luck.