Fellaz only (ladies in here is gatecrashing)

TooNice said:
The #1 rule when communicating a guy is: say it out loud! I tell ya, some women seem to expect that we can read mind or make something out of subtle ambibuous hints. Well, if we are blessed with those abilities, we would all be working in a casino now ;)

Yeah for real.
They expect us to figure everything out when they could easily come out and talk, but NO they will rather play countdown with our head/mind. :)
Lostkat said:
Not really, and that's not the point I'm making anyway. They're generalisations. I'm not an object, I'm me and I have my own personality. I am intelligent and have thoughts and feelings. Unless you get to know me, a set of dopey instructions from an email won't show you how to treat me.

I'm not a model number and make, so why should my boyfriend need a set of instructions to tell him how to deal with me? All that I ask of him is that he cares enough to get to know me (via the magic of communication etc.) so that he knows how to treat me without having to read this sort of crap. Funnily enough, I do the same with him and we've been getting on great for 4 years.

I cant believe im reading this from a woman. If only most of them having this kind of understanding, there will be less relationship threads in here. Well said i like your style.
megzy said:
Sorry for gate crashing, don't do any of that stuff boys!
The girls end up falling in love with you and then when you don't want them its kind of hard for them to let go and they end up doing stupids things, trust me I know. :(

For real? Im learning something new every day!! :eek: :)
Sweetloaf said:
When someone posts on the forum to point out that..............ahh **** it!

And when he reads stuff like this, he cant help but wonder why the three of them SNITCH and BITCH like a woman on a forum.
His advice will be......
Nah sod it, Just carry on "snibtching".
EVH said:
You said it.

Also, forcing girls to do summit against their will is illegal *cough*rape*cough* :mad:

If you have to force her to do something, then I suggest there's something wrong with the relationship :o

Waoh :eek: :rolleyes: Excellent display there, very colourful.
Tony Soprano said:
Right, you don't agree with:

12. Don't force her to do anything she's not comfortable with.

16. DON'T pressure her to do anything she isnt READY to do. When she is ready, she will let you know. She just wants everything to be more SPECIAL and PERFECT. So appreciate what she does do with you.

God you must be a considerate bloke, you would happily force her to do stuff she isn't comfortable with?

Please read the thread again before you syphon anything out and reply to it.
Tony Soprano said:
You said in your first post that you didn't agree with those points. And then half way through the thread you explain a situation where you did take the feelings of a girl into consideration. Which is it? Or do your feelings change depending on the situation? If so, you should consider changing your initial post. :p

I explained myself already and i think part of the explanation was erased by the mod. I think i said something i shouldnt have.

Im just saying ladies dont seem to make their mind up, leading to confusion and stuff especially when they wanted sex but insist no when they they really meaning Yes.
Like someone said that begs the question if they know how their own mind really work.
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