Female body builders, just why?

Wise Guy
23 May 2009
To be fair to a lot on here a labourer (proper one that lugs paviers and sand all day) could very well get a physique similar the 4chan and bodybuild site example guy IF they also dieted and watched their body fat. There are plenty of young labourers that look like that. On the other hand the greased up "olympian" would never be able to get that soft of physique through manual labour.

So many people seem to be getting toned and bodybuilder (at least my definition) mixed up. Toned to me means 6pack and "nice" abs' arms and legs, nothing you would necessarliy look twice at with a t shirt on. On the other hand a bodybuilder is the know of guy that has arms the size of your neck, a neck the size of your waist and for some reason is generally short...
The former can easily be achieved out of the gym by manual labour, the latter no chance.


Or these guys. I doubt any of them even know what a dumbell is.

Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
As a lot of you know there are different type of "body building" in the female category.

There is physique class and fitness/figure class. The 2 are highly different.

The object of bodybuilding however is the same - it's about developing/honing your body to be symmetrical, with good shape and definition so as to be aesthetically pleasing and balanced irrespective of the class.

However, physique class is very much oriented around decent size development, and being shredded with low bodyfat. This is the one that most people object to, however, one cannot take away the dedication to strive to those achievements. I agree that when at stage time they do not look the most appealing, but it's entirely down to personal preference, you cannot take away the hard work achieved.

Fitness/figure class however is about looking slim and "toned" (ugh) but without bulky mass. You're basically trying to remove the excess fat/cellulite, and look lean but without having that bulk you get from figure. It's about looking lithe and sexy but still in good shape. You want some ab development, some separation in the shoulders and legs but it's not about bulk - it's about how you look.

My personal take on it, fitness class rocks! :D However, I admire the physique category but am just not interested in it.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Yeah, the actual bodybuilders hate cardio because you can't have endurance and insane strength/mass at the same time. It's one or the other really.

At the top of the ranks you'll find shorter bodybuilders more often as they can lift more weight due to the shorter range of movement and less protein intake required. Wouldn't really say it's short man syndrome.

I'm only about 5'6 so I get results fast, even though I'm an ecto/mesomorph. (Wish I was taller though. Oh well, still got until I'm 21/25)

That's rubbish you don't have to have one or the other. Look at modern rugby players - big well developed, and reasonably lean, yet can run up and down the pitch for 80 mins whilst taking several knocks along the way.
Man of Honour
27 Sep 2004
Well I would never do it, but I don't have any really. My dad used to body build until I was born, then he had to stop and had other stuff to do, but now hes finally got his own gym at his house and is starting on it again...

I was curious because if female bodybuilding is unnatural then male bodybuilding is surely also unnatural?

That's rubbish you don't have to have one or the other. Look at modern rugby players - big well developed, and reasonably lean, yet can run up and down the pitch for 80 mins whilst taking several knocks along the way.

I think he might be talking about those of Cutler/Coleman sort of size and if that is the case he may be right, I'd suspect it's hard to maintain huge amounts of cardio fitness at that size. However as you say you can have a pretty reasonable level of both, like many things it's once you get to the extremes that you've got to start making quite significant compromises for the diminishing returns.
21 Nov 2008
Yeah, the actual bodybuilders hate cardio because you can't have endurance and insane strength/mass at the same time. It's one or the other really.


Just no :/

Actually something else that doesn't seem to have been touched on with the kwerk issue is height... I am 10lb lighter than that bodybuilder posted yet am called skinny and don't have his physique even though I only have a few % bodyfat. Why? Because I'm probably a few inches taller than him...

I don't even... you don't have his physique because you're taller than him?? :confused:

Maybe. I just assumed it was short man syndrome, can't get taller so lets get wider...

Assumed or hoped? ;)

Arnold... was about 6,2 and most IFBB pros are 5,8 to 5,11 and that '4chan fit bodybuilder guy' was 6,1ish and you WONT get that physique through labouring...

Anyone who finds these attractive is most probably a latent gay.

or not
17 Jun 2007
Not read the whole post but you do know that its a sport right.

Chances are the female bodybuilders are not doing it to get guys. Which is what most blokes start working out for.

So to answer the OP. Because its not only a male sport. Female bodybuilding wouldn't be bodybuilding if it were full of the fitness girls. That'll be fitness.

I dont like the look of female bodybuilders either BUT that doesn't make it wrong.

I dont like the look of cricket.

Its a sport called bodybuilding. Thats why they look like they do
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Another example of massive guys who also have decent cardio fitness are modern strongmen, gone are the days of just being a massive lump who has to shuffle around these days they're normally pretty lean, absolutely stacked and can run around.
21 Nov 2008
Another example of massive guys who also have decent cardio fitness are modern strongmen, gone are the days of just being a massive lump who has to shuffle around these days they're normally pretty lean, absolutely stacked and can run around.

Levrone was a very fast sprinter too:

That was against Dwain Chambers and Levrone even slipped a little at the start.
14 Oct 2003
South Derbyshire
Or these guys. I doubt any of them even know what a dumbell is.


If I was climbing tress for food walking miles for water and chasing down and spearing animals I would have a body like that.

Their muscles are being trained, but not in a gym.

You will not have a decent physic posting on an internet forum all day.
27 Jul 2011
Why not?


Why though? No reason not to other than you look a bit gay....

Why do it though? It's just.... I dunno.... pointless? Is it fun? I can't say I like football, for example, but I can see why it would be fun.

Pumping iron to see who can look the gayest though......where's the fun in that?
6 May 2009
She did porn though if you're interested. 'Susana Spears'
Thank you. I owe you big time.

You just won the internet
+1 Got an instant google search.

Slow and bulky? Laugh out loud.

I'm fairly well built after nearly 3 years of training and I'm still more flexible than most.

Watch this and see your argument go out the window:

This is pure awesome. Kai Green is simply amazing. In and out of the gym.

To answer the OP. I don't find the female "Bodybuilder" physique attractive but I can respect the hard work and effort that goes in to achieving a body like that. It's not easy. I can also appreciate it. There was a program about female bodybuilders on C4 a few years ago. Some men do find it attractive though.

Anyone that can do what it takes to build that much lean mass, maintain it and get show perfect has my utmost respect and admiration, male or female, regardless of how they look.
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30 Sep 2006
Midlands, UK
I've been training in gyms for over 20 years now, and yes i've dabbled in 'stuff' (only once though).
But as has been said, you don't take gear and just 'get big' you have to work your ass off to maintain quality size and shape.
That said, as most of the old schools guys will know/remember back a few years ago, a lot of the top comps were decided by the demographical craze at the time, ie. Dorian Yates won everything going because the craze was to be a mass monster, then followed by Coleman.
Previously to that people like Haney, Zane, Arnie all won, they weren't enormous 'freaks' by todays standards, they were very aesthetic and that's where my preference would be.
When better drugs AND supplements came along we realised the potential to be bigger, and now i just think that they look for the freakiest monster in the mens category, and sadly only gear will bring that.
To an extent this was the same with the women, one year they'd be looking at the more fitness type figure for the Ms O (Corey Everson in her athletic prme?), the next it would be muscle mass and veins.
If drugs didn't help people to get so big the demographic would settle for smaller and natural, because they can still look fantastic.
Google Ronnie Coleman. Now be careful as there are 2 of them, one is natural, the other...well....aint! Both look big, but only one looks truly aesthetic imo.
It is all subjective of course, and my preference is always towards the lean fitness type.
But i always like Kevin Levrone's physique. Dorien Yates? Nah, crazy huge. When you can't wipe your own backside without front-wiping, then you are too big.. :p

As always, its horses for courses, but i'll echo plenty of other posts in here, it takes more dedication to be at the top of your game than just about any other sport i know, except maybe gymnastics and they look awesome too.

EDIT: Anyone remember WBF Bodystars? Vince McMahons attempt at a drug-free bodybuilding federation. It flopped, and partly due to the athletes being put on alterior diets that would try and match the results that drugs gave. Some of the guys physiques were laughably pathetic on stage....shame though.
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