Female body builders, just why?

Wise Guy
23 May 2009
Yep. 200lb of solid muscle, around 8% bf. Good luck with your goals in 2012

I never said I was 8% bodyfat. I said I probly have as much muscle as that guy posted who looks about 170.

Want me to lose 30 lbs and see what I look like? Internet is serious business I will do it.

and lets see your pic plz.
21 Jun 2006
Anabolic steroids increase and maintain LEAN mass. What is there to argue about it's basic knowledge. That's why the give them to AIDS patients, they prevent muscles from wasting when the body is eating itself, like when you are getting down to very low BF.

steroids do not increase or maintain "lean" mass, just mass in general.

bodybuilders tend to cut after a cycle or shortly after a cycle due to the amount of unwanted mass that came along with the cycle

anyway kwerk after seeing that photo it is clear that you are either "special" or trolling, so come clean.
27 Sep 2004
Bodybuilding - The process of developing the musculature of the body through specific types of diet and physical exercise, such as weightlifting...

Not once does it mention anabolics. It's ridiculous to think the sport requires it and utterly narrow minded.

As for female bodybuilders, it's personal choice, each to their own and all that. Aesthetics are subjective.

Personally? It looks horrible and most female bodybuilders do require steroids because...well, they're female.

We have a separate weights room at our gym for all the heavier gear and the only women that ever uses it is in her late 40s, pretty built/lean and marches around like she owns the place, often getting in other peoples way. That kind of mentality/look in a women is just awful.
21 Jun 2006
So. What is the point? I fully appreciate the time and commitment that goes into the whole thing, but what is the actual point? You like having muscles that actually serve no purpose in this day and age, and like the fact that you are slow and bulky? How does this make you alpha?

Genuine question. What is the point?

muscles do not make you slow and bulky, that is a myth.

take jean claude van damme for example, he was Mr Belgium, the reason why he is called "muscles from brussels", yet he could do the splits, jumping fly kicks, etc and was a top martial artist.

explain how a bodybuilder managed to do all of that, whilst being slow and bulky?


link in case you dont know who he is
5 Dec 2006
If I were to see a female bodybuilder in the street, I would not think "Damn that's ugly".

The first thing I'd think is "Respect" for the amount of time and energy she's spent achieving her goal.
3 Oct 2009
Why not answer the question?

/edit;raises eybrow/

Sure, answer mine aswell. I do it for many reasons. A hobby, to improve my self confidence, to see what i am physically capable of, improve my overall fitness.

I never said I was 8% bodyfat. I said I probly have as much muscle as that guy posted who looks about 170.

Want me to lose 30 lbs and see what I look like? Internet is serious business I will do it.

and lets see your pic plz.

I just cant see you having that much muscle if you dont lift weights, hes very lean and still pretty big. By all means prove me wrong.
My pics are somewhere in that thread. I'm 5'11 175 and bodyfat just too high to see abs. Considering i was 145 summer last year at a similar bf%, not bad going imo.
27 Sep 2004
So. What is the point? I fully appreciate the time and commitment that goes into the whole thing, but what is the actual point? You like having muscles that actually serve no purpose in this day and age, and like the fact that you are slow and bulky? How does this make you alpha?

Genuine question. What is the point?

Slow and bulky? Laugh out loud.

I'm fairly well built after nearly 3 years of training and I'm still more flexible than most.

Watch this and see your argument go out the window:

22 Aug 2010
On the Wagon-East Angular
muscles do not make you slow and bulky, that is a myth.

take jean claude van damme for example, he was Mr Belgium, the reason why he is called "muscles from brussels", yet he could do the splits, jumping fly kicks, etc and was a top martial artist.

explain how a bodybuilder managed to do all of that, whilst being slow and bulky?


link in case you dont know who he is

Jean Claude van Damme has always been a muscly (sp) guy. He's athletic and strong, but has never been a 'body builder'.
Wise Guy
23 May 2009
BRB getting a eye transplant

you totally look like you have as much muscle as this guy


omg kwerk, the muscle mass difference is 0%, well done

can you post up your daily routine? do you just post crap all day long? i never knew that was effective for such a killer physique?

A. Let's see your pics.

B. My routine is NOTHING. I don't lift weights beyond random pullups and dips.

C. 34" trousers at 200 lbs, I'm pretty sure under my beer gut I have as much lean mass at that guy without doing anything except eating tons of steak.
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