Fifa 10 Xbox360 team

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12 Mar 2009
Hey, if anybody is interested in forming a squad for the 360 version of Fifa10 then stick your name down here and I'll get something sorted out. :)

Also, my GamerTag is XtH T0X1C if you add me then send me a message while you're doing it telling me who you are. :)
Okie dokie, well I'm off out for a few frames of Snooker with my dad and I'll be back probably 3 ish so I'll give you guys an add and if you're both about this evening and you both have the game then we'll create a club. Make sure you've got a headset because I'll make a party.
I'm interested, but if it turns out like last time with everyone trying to be Ronaldo and not passing it then I cba.

Fubsy86 ;)

And Killswitch, what kind of gamertag is that? How are we supposed to remember it lol! I'll have to write that down...
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Me too. I'll give it a go but if there's any greediness I'm off. I remember creating quite a few goals in clubs on 09 as I'd always pass to a player in space or cross when I got the chance, I'd only shoot when a real opportunity presented itself.
Count me in. Game still not here though, was dispatched via Royal Mail 2 days ago :(

I will cancel now and order from somewhere else now that it can be had for under £25

GT: TranceNova
Alrighy everybody. I'm about to get adding people so if anybody is up for a bit of club tonight then I'm down with that. :) I'll have to get us all in a party and remember, no greediness, it just ruins it for everybody.
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