Fifa 10 Xbox360 team

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12 Mar 2009
Hey, if anybody is interested in forming a squad for the 360 version of Fifa10 then stick your name down here and I'll get something sorted out. :)

Also, my GamerTag is XtH T0X1C if you add me then send me a message while you're doing it telling me who you are. :)
Okie dokie, well I'm off out for a few frames of Snooker with my dad and I'll be back probably 3 ish so I'll give you guys an add and if you're both about this evening and you both have the game then we'll create a club. Make sure you've got a headset because I'll make a party.
Alrighy everybody. I'm about to get adding people so if anybody is up for a bit of club tonight then I'm down with that. :) I'll have to get us all in a party and remember, no greediness, it just ruins it for everybody.
Damn. Missed it, if you need an A-class CDM/CB/RB look me up. :p

(GT: Spunj99)

I'll send you an invite to the club tomorrow sometime mate, so check your player hub for it. :)

And Fubsy, I hope Fritzl and his killer tackles will be about soon. Martin Tyler shouting "Friiiiiiiitz" as 'J.Fritzel' scores is priceless. :D
MikeWild and Spunj, I've sent you guys friends requests, when you come online I'll send you invites to the club. I won't be around tonight though so it might be worth adding Fubsy, Baplad or Lucifurr to your friends list as they can also invite players. :)
I'm up for this. I'm currently addicted to pro ranked matches anyway!

Good, I'll add you and send a club invite to you in a minute. :)

Will be on tonight after the Rugby.

Okay dokie mate, I've already sent you a club invite, it'll be in the player hub. :)

I'm interested in trying this out, haven't played 10 v 10 yet though

I'll add you and send you a club invite in about 10 mins mate. :)
im up for playing in this sometime, i haven't played the 10v10s in fifa10 yet, used to play it a lot in 09 though, mainly a midfielder

ID: SlimJimJay - im not on much during the week but im always up for a game on the weekends

Okay matey well I've just came off it now, I'll be on tomorrow evening so I'll add you then. But in the meantime you could add Baplad if you want and then he could send you a club invite, he's on quite a bit.
Sorry peeps, I was away all of Saturday evening and I've just got in. Just watching the rest of the Arsenal match that I recorded and then I'll add everybody that needs adding. :)
Sorry I haven't checked the forum for a day or two. I'll accept everybody who's requested a transfer to the club and I'll see about giving more people Manager rights. :)

Btw, awesome games yesterday and at the moment we are on a 6 game unbeaten run I believe. Good job lads.

EDIT: I've accepted everyone who had a request pending, also, in addition to me, there are 5 other Managers:

R0B 75

You guys can now accept requests, kick players and recruit new ones, you can also change the kits and abbreviated name of the club. Don't go crazy on changing the kits though, I think we've all got used to the pinkness. :)

By the way, people wishing to join that happen to stumble on this thread, just so I don't have to repeat myself endlessly here's what you need to do:

Go to Xbox live ---> Pro Club Championship ---> Search For A Club ---> the name of the club is OCUKPwnz ---> the club will appear when you've pressed search ---> Choose the "request to sign for club" option.

After this you are done and one of the managers will accept you whenever they are around. The people I picked have so far been around every night and I am around a fair bit too so you shouldn't have to wait long to be accepted into the club.

To get into games you simply do the following: Xbox live ---> Pro Club Championship ---> My Club ---> Play A Match ---> you will then see a list of players if there are any around, this is the dressing room, to start searching for a game you need to press right on the analogue stick to move into one of the game rooms, you also need 3 people at least to play an online club match.

We all like to be in the same XBL party too so that we can get a grip on how many people are playing so if you plan on playing then jump in a party with us.

Hope that clears up any issues.
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I've got a pacey striker and according to the stats I'm only 3 goals away from you Bap :D

I always play LS but last night Soulja nicked that position a few times, which I don't mind sharing of course. Rob always plays good on the wing with his slap head and I think Hilly takes up defence quite well, he always seems to put in good tackles.

Either way I quite like LS but we could always work out a rotation if other people want a turn at striking, or we could try a different formation. I'll be on later anyways, about 6 ish after uni. :)
Can you unlock in club games? Or only in BAP Seasons?

I'm only about halfway through my first season so still plenty to unlock. I really want to unlocked the skilled dribbling!!

You can unlock them any way you like mate. The quickest and most simple way to unlock the skilled dribbling upgrades is to do the skill tricks in the arena. To begin with you can only do 1 star moves, complete all the 1 star moves to progress to 2 star moves and so on.

If you need to see which moves you have not yet performed then you can find that in Virtual Pro ---> My skill and stats ---> Press A on ball skills ---> Scroll down to Skill Moves and then there's a list of them on the right hand side, with a check box. You have to use the right analogue stick to scroll through the list and if you need instructions on how to do a particular trick you can press the Y button. :)

I think Baplad said the other day, there are quite a few things you can do while in the arena to up your Virtual Pro stats. I think that a few of us are getting into this a bit more now and it's becoming less of a mess about and more of a serious, but light hearted thing. Let's try and get a formation set up, and maybe assign some players to certain positions. That's not to say that we can't switch every now and then and try different things because defending is no doubt, quite a boring job if you have to do it every single game.

By the way I'll be on later about 6 ish, straight after uni. See you all later. :D
Good games tonight everybody, I'll see you all again tomorrow. I played horribly tonight at times but I'm gonna have a bit of a practice with my pro and see if I can get a few of his stats up ready for tomorrow evening. Looks like we have a forward pairing too which is good, although it should still be shared around a bit because it isn't really fair if the same 2 people are playing forward every single game, give others a chance too. :)
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