**FIFA 13 Ultimate Team League (360)**

Appart from Wednesday/Friday/Saturday/ Im usually on and off throughout the evening making time to play my games, How's that sound? Also how many games are played until the end of the league firstly?

Ok, I'll add you. It's a small league to what I normally organise so I'd expect everyone to get their games done easily enough. Someone will let us down though, happens every time :)

Add the people and arrange on live or on here mate your fixtures :)

What's your GT?
I was gonna post and tell people to get some games done this evening but it appears you took it in to your own hands :)

Good going, only hilly and cliffy yet to play ;)
Well I use it because it wins me games and call em fickle but that's all I'm interested in :p

Plus I tried 4321 today and detested it, no other formation interests me and it counters the overused, over powered and common as muck 352 formation quite well. I get beaten by all formations with it, it's all about the player in the end.

The only way I may change again is if I got Ronaldo which isn't going to happen again on 13.
Andy I'm not complaining at all about you because your clearly much better than me and usually spank me :D but the amount of goals you simply passed by Casillas was a bit laughable. I might as well played an extra outfield player because it was like having an open net. GG's though can't complain because you took all and there were a lot of chances.

I don't disagree, like I said I'm shock all those chances went in, but tbh that's why i hated Casillas, he doesn't get down for anything. Some of the finishes were decent but a lot were half chances that went in. Whereas you had loads and couldn't score even so they were better chances.

Peanuts 0 - 7 Andybtsn

Andybtsn 8 - 2 Peanuts

For the record.
Talbs 1 - 6 Andybtsn
Andybtsn 4 - 0 Talbs

Good games mate. Snow was a bit of a bummer in the first game. Brilliant team you have there.

Second game was a lot closer, was frustrating.

You're a big gung ho in your defence with bringing your players out, be a bit more reserved and sit back and you'll find defending easier mate.
I feel like I have been touched up. :(

No matter how much my team is worth, I'm still poo :D WillyWaving.Com

I've beaten people by more mate if that makes it any better, haha...Peanuts :D

You're good in attack, just the defending side, maybe try a different formation. I don't think 5 at the back helps anyone defensively as the full backs push forward so much.
Saturday, when a week has passed I expect everyone to have got 50% of their games complete. I want this tied up by the following Saturday.

Andybtsn 3 - 4 bizkid
bizkid 3 - 3 Andybtsn

Two of the most frustrating games I've ever encountered which I couldn't do anything about. Not because of your play biz but the fact my players couldn't control the ball, pass, run, do anything, just all laggy as ****. Thanks EA.

Well played fella.

Why do you play that team when you have way better players on the bench?
Andybtsn 3 - 1 TimBrad
TimBrad 2 - 3 Andybtsn

Good games, first game was pretty even possession wise. Cech was in superman mode.
Second game, 2 90min goals. Tim special! yikes!

Unlucky mate
I actually want to cry!! :D

Well played though, a lot closer than I thought they would be! I knew I should have ball hogged at the end of the 2nd! :D (To Clairfy, the 2 90 minute goals were Andy :()

It's just funny because of all our friendlies we've ever had you bottle it in the 90th minute all the time :D

4321 seems really strong against this formation. I really struggled to break down your all out defence ;)

Good games anyway. One day you'll get a 1 point against me in a league game (hopefully not)
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