**FIFA 13 Ultimate Team League (360)**

bigjonnyauk 1 - 1 Andybtsn
Andybtsn 4 - 0 bigjonnyauk

First game was pretty even. Annoyed I conceded so late on through such a scrappy goal but a fair point.
Second game, again pretty even, but I was clinical with my finishing.

Last year you were one of the worst players on Overclockers and now you are one of the best (even though you put yourself down all the time).

Oh and thank you for replaying the games :)
Well he was playing FIFA 18 hours ago, not against any of us mind :p

I'll keep him here but will probably just give everyone default wins against him. I can't see him getting 16 games done this week after only managing 4 in 9 days.

I could let you join but I'm a bit sceptical with guys who haven't played in the leagues before...can you commit the time?

Appart from Wednesday/Friday/Saturday/ Im usually on and off throughout the evening making time to play my games, How's that sound? Also how many games are played until the end of the league firstly?


I'm right to be a sceptic then.
If I get a chance to get on tonight it will be late, I'll definately make the time for my games tomorrow evening, hilly, jony, cliffy....gilbert?

In fact, Gilbert, I can't be bothered, everyone is getting default wins against you. Quitting against Biz was the last straw. The next league I make, noobs need to go through various tests as I'm sick of this kind of thing happening.
I'm trying to find a cheap replacement xbox at the moment, it's unlikely it will be before mid week next week though.

If all games are complete by Saturday which I fully expect them to be I'll probably have to give you default losses :(

Hilly, Jony, I can be on tonight from 4:30 until around 7, will you be around? I can be on all night Fri and Saturday evening also.

That's the beauty of me being the organiser I can extend the deadline if I feel fit, hehe.

Don't worry, hilly is reliably and cliffy having issues. Not heard from Jony mind..
Andybtsn 3 - 4 Jony
Jony 0 - 3 Andybtsn

Well played fella. I was just useless in both games. Always the way, in form against randoms then play like dog in this league! Rain killed the second game pretty much.
Like mine the first, I knew I'd lost when that was ridiculous penalty was given in the first five mins :(

It's a strange game.
Well I was giving cliffy a bit longer to sort his Xbox out so if it gets done by tomorrow that will be ok with me as Hilly and I need to play too.
i still need to play biz been asking after him for 3 days lol

i laways thought players always had full fitness in friendlies lol no wonder i got spanked by jony i had just bought that team and some of them only had like 50-60 fitness i wondered why they were just not running lol

You'll get a default win then.

I gave Biz the benefit of the doubt allowing him in this league and he's let me down again, it was the same last league.

There's some people who have disappeared, talbs appears to have stopped posting so Hilly will get default wins there too. Got time to play the games until Cliffy's 360 comes, can't say fairer than that.
There is sometime to get your games played so make an effort and get them completed and you maybe allowed to participate again ;)
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