FIFA 15 Official Pro Clubs thread

Just got an email from FWCC for that tournament manering linked that I signed us up for. 38 teams have signed up so far for PC!

Dis gon b gud:p
Hopefully we'll get back to our normal route this Sunday

Of course codkilla, hope everyone had a good christmas & new year seems so!
Does anyone know if it's possible to recover your Virtual Pro after reinstalling Win 7?

I have a backup of my machine, but when i restore the user/documents/Fifa 15 folder, it doesn't have My Pro?

Is it possible to recover the data?

Does anyone know if it's possible to recover your Virtual Pro after reinstalling Win 7?

I have a backup of my machine, but when i restore the user/documents/Fifa 15 folder, it doesn't have My Pro?

Is it possible to recover the data?


I would have thought it's all backed up online on the cloud. What happens if you don't restore the folder, still no pro?
What division you guys in? Wondering if I've ever played against you (Didn't realise there was a fifa 15 ocuk team this year!)
we go from div 4 -5 cant get out of 4 but smash 5

ah might end up playing you at some point then, we do the same thing but between div 3 and div 4. Look out for SNR (Shinra) :D (we've been up to div 2 twice, but quickly came back down again)
This fifa definitely feels harder in pro clubs than it was two years ago, won div 1 + the premier cup a few times in that one. Still annoys me that there's no spectate option though.
Got myself a wired 360 pad today from the Bay this morning and now downloading 15 as we speak. I'm well up for this; gonna give it a few hours to level up my Pro before I join you guys.

If you want to add me on Origin it's SatNav37 - same as Steam etc :)
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