FIFA 15 Official Pro Clubs thread

3 Sep 2012
P town
It's all getting a bit messy so I thought it'd be best to make a separate thread, dedicated just to pro clubs :)

MR_P4TEL2009 is my origin id for anyone interested in playing.

Club members:
MR_P4TEL2009 - ST
tbz_ck - ST
DaneB38 - ST
captain-manering - CAM/ST
duck1nf1ck - CAM
tbyeah - CDM/CAM
codkilla18022408 - CDM/CAM
Wisey_Styles - CDM
Noswad8270 - GK
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Yeah I set one up yesterday and sent out invites! There's a good 4 or 5 who've joined already.

P.s haha I was awaiting the punchlines :p (probably not that one)
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We're about to play, some people are online but aren't replying it's being determined that origin doesn't notify you of chat whilst ingame, either that or people are being ignorant :p
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About to get some games going again.

If anyone is interested in being GK then let me know. It doesn't much get worse than a CPU keeper, so you better be good!

Updated first post with people who have joined the club so far.
A bit frustrated atm, some of you have the beta version of origin which means I can't contact you, upgrading to beta means those that haven't can't reply..

If you could all go into Application settings and enable beta participation it would make life much easier.

There's also a new chat room function which means I don't have to make a new group chat everytime we play.

Well 7 of us, a good turn up ;)

Where's the cheapest to buy this? Might give it a spin, I'm awful :p

Simplycdkeys for £27.99

Or another way is to trick Origin and for same price you can get the Ultimate Edition ;)

Just copied and pasted the instructions for Titanfall as the process is the same:

Install Hola Unblocker extension for Chrome

1. Go to and turn on Hola and choose Mexican (Will be in Spanish but use Google translate if needed)
2. Put Titanfall Deluxe in the basket (will be 599 Mexican Pesos)
3. Open shopping basket and click proceed from lower right corner
4. Disconnect from your proxy just before logging in to Origin.
5.Log into your origin account (and change page language to English if needed)
6. Buy it like normal, (I used Paypal and just stuck in a random Mexican address)
7. Order will complete as normal and you will get confirmation email and Titanfall now in your origin account!
Some decent games tonight, lost a few but I think we'll be fine once we all have our pro's levelled up.

Not just that , at the moment we have new players every game so need to get used to each other, sort of like getting a 100 chemistry

t'was good games tonight.

You cheap b****** need a mic though

U wot m8 , I ent spending a fiver !!

Sorry i was only around for a few games had a milf showing me stuff on skype so i decided that was more important.

I will be around for games today though.

Its sad panda btw

You must have been a happy panda wonder you were in and out so quickly ;) Remember bros before hoes don't let us down again, -1 loyalty point
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Ok I'm off now but I'll accept you and invite you to the chat room on origin.

Edit: Okay for me to invite you to the chat of room, in Origin you need to go into application settings and enable beta participation.

Meanwhile I've invited you to the club, so you can join and start playing with the others who are still on.
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