FIFA 15 Official Pro Clubs thread

Generally it'd be good to do it all week but due to people working Etc and some being available late I guess setting days is more appropriate and could work.

So how does Wednesday and Sunday sound for people? 8 or 9PM onwards

I'll add you tonight, what position(s) you good at?

That's another thing we're getting a bit top heavy so ideally need a few who are willing to play CDM, to protect the rotten CPU defence :p and of course moving the ball and getting it forward..

yh i can play cdm i dont mind not scoring its all about a team effort
So I assume Sunday evening/night is fine with most people, we can decide other days depending on how it goes.

Noswad what's your TS server details again, everyone will need to know and install TS3 if they haven't already.
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I will definitely be in on this soon lads; ditched the 360 and got a PC a few months ago, but not got round to getting FIFA15 or a pad yet. When I do I'll be all over this.
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