The game is really triggering me. I've recorded numerous clips again where I'm pressing to shoot or pass and it's powering up and nothing happening. I don't think the shelf life this year is going to be very long unless some drastic changes are made, shame because they did a lot right.

Edit: also I really hate Messi. His right foot feels 3 star.

Edit: I also feel very sorry for the proper casuals elite standard players are in div 4/5/6
The game is really triggering me. I've recorded numerous clips again where I'm pressing to shoot or pass and it's powering up and nothing happening. I don't think the shelf life this year is going to be very long unless some drastic changes are made, shame because they did a lot right.

Edit: also I really hate Messi. His right foot feels 3 star.

Edit: I also feel very sorry for the proper casuals elite standard players are in div 4/5/6
Yeah, I'm sure this game is triggering me more than 19 did.
Mostly passes going to the wrong people (not bad passes, I get that, but they're not even attempting to go to the player I think I'm aiming at (or nearest to)) and player switching on defence taking so long to get the player I want it's too late. That and the first touches of some of my players is appalling given their real life counterparts are supposed to be professionals and the money they get paid.
I burnt out around march April last year. I'll be happy with the same this year and the fact I've had great pack luck should help too...
Edit: I also feel very sorry for the proper casuals elite standard players are in div 4/5/6
I was only a few points off Div 4 and I'm now in Div 6 and still getting slapped silly but I'm trying to use a 76 rated Bundesliga team :o

I'm guessing a lot of people will be desperate for the tokens ASAP and just plow more money in to Fifa points which will have been the goal of EA from the start.

It's actually more triggering playing a game and drawing than losing. You get very few points to improve your rank, you don't get any further towards the tokens and you've wasted 15-45 minutes of your life.
Game's unplayable this evening, glad professional footballers are starting to be vocal about it.

Or violently smash your controller into the table repeatedly until your neighbours come round to check if you’re okay. Whilst making positive comments about the exemplary gameplay obviously.

Let it go, old boy. Uninstall the game already!

Don’t go Milkybk I love your rants and sonny jokes. Takes lot to get me giggling nowadays.

Base icon packs are glitched and people are pulling mid icons including Dhino etc.

Thats Ea giving value back to the players !
Gameplay still as bad as last night and everyone in div3 just quitting straight away. Going to try and get 5 more which will get met to 16 swap cards, enough for a decent icon.
I still don't know which Icon(s) I'll go for, depends on how many tokens I can get I guess.
Getting 2 would be useful for making a hybrid team, but then you're pretty much restricted to base Icons, which probably won't be end-game players. But if you try to get Prime you're a bit limited as to selection and I'm not sure if the Prime ones available will be end-game either.
I got Rio last night only played 2 games after as it burnt me out stressing using the dross teams in div 3. He felt superb though never seen a CB run as fast genuinely. Early days though.

As I can't get on with Messi I'm thinking get Mbappe back for a 3rd time, get CR7, get an icon or yet RTTF Dembele and maybe VVD to replace pique. Hmm decisions

@GoogalyMoogaly as for passing issues it's been a big moan of mine for a while, and yesterday I switched pass reciever lock to Early and I'm having much more success. Infact the difference feels gamechanging.
I got Rio last night only played 2 games after as it burnt me out stressing using the dross teams in div 3. He felt superb though never seen a CB run as fast genuinely. Early days though.

As I can't get on with Messi I'm thinking get Mbappe back for a 3rd time, get CR7, get an icon or yet RTTF Dembele and maybe VVD to replace pique. Hmm decisions

@GoogalyMoogaly as for passing issues it's been a big moan of mine for a while, and yesterday I switched pass reciever lock to Early and I'm having much more success. Infact the difference feels gamechanging.
I did that a while ago, didn't notice a big difference myself.
Me too and tried it again yesterday and the passes are much snappier and accurate. Imo takes the delay out the pass.
I left it on.
My issue is just that I think I'm aiming at my LW but the pass locks onto my ST or LB (for example). Really annoying when you run down the wing, cut in, have someone unmarked on the penalty spot try to pass to them but it decides to pass to the offside ST marked by 2 defenders.
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