Done some more Prem upgrade packs and got Alisson to go with Mane packed yesterday. Spent another mil on packs which didn’t get anything to good, a few decent 88-91 players for sbc’s and a load of fodder I chucked into Prem packs. My club is gutted of 82 or below players now, going to have to do some bronze to silver to gold upgrades to get some players for future sbc’s.
20-10, had to sweat the last game.

Not sure if I need to adjust to the team, if it was the gameplay, if I'm playing bad Fifa or the team just isn't as good as I'd hoped. Having second thoughts about TOTY Messi if I'm honest. TOTY Ronaldo is outstanding though.
I in two minds whether to go all in with toty cr7 or spread the the wealth with Kante toty and de bruyne.

I would sell soon though, as reading up some more general opinion on toty is its going to go down.
Bought kante to replace futmas Vidal. Was using him with futmas modric in 4231 and with both having h/h it left me open a few times in the middle.
Not been anywhere near TOTY sadly, not enough coins and trying to not put points on! Dropped a lot of untradables into the upgrade SBCs and nothing notable in return, best thing I did was the Bernardo Silva SBC, weak foot aside he is amazing, makes Neymar seem unagile and just fits in perfectly at CF :)
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