The inconsistency of gameplay and connection is what triggers me the most. Played a game earlier and I'd say he was the worst player I've played this weekend I had umpteen shots and 3 of them perfect cutbacks and my players couldn't score and lost in ET.
The game after I have 4 shots score 4 goals and get a rage quit virtually the same type of shots.

Then you get the games where you do a skill move, make a turn or take a shot and nothing happens at all, it's a shame it really is a terrible game not and thats not including the way people play for wins but as its the only worthy football game on the market I need my fix now and then.
Anyone got Moments Hazard? I can complete him for probably 250k + a lot of SBC grinding. Looks a TOTS level card.

Its only down for the next couple of weeks, will bottom out first round of lightning rounds for Prem TOTS.

Hang on, I thought we were only getting the community voted one for now?
Doesn't it start with the community one and then followed by the regular tots?

That's what normally happens, but for some reason I thought this was just the community one for some reason.

Perhaps it's going to be done as normal... I think I misunderstood it a bit. Makes more sense now.
That's what normally happens, but for some reason I thought this was just the community one for some reason.

Perhaps it's going to be done as normal... I think I misunderstood it a bit. Makes more sense now.

Aye, this is the start of TOTS. Community first, prem a week later, etc etc.

Edit: Also I wouldn't be locking coins in on Hazard now, wait to see what drops for TOTS. Usually TOTS fodder cards become amazinly cheap also.
Yeah as others have said this is effectively a normal TOTS promo that will prob last 7 or 8 weeks, one major league at a time but starts with community vote

Expect some proper panic the Thursday/Friday before premier league
14-10, the same as my last 4 weekend leagues. I'll give the rest away this evening but it was almost enjoyable this weekend.

Apart from the sweaty untradeable players I didn't get any messages, no one shushed and most people skipped their replays. Guess next week will be hell.
Gold 3... and breathe.

Was playing well and then lost 2 games in a row after being a goal up to 2 really late goals, both times. When people go all out attack my team just seems to collapse... :( The goals were the awful ones where a tackle doesn't work, the ball bobbles through your defender and they have a tap in. It's so rigged IMO. Painful.
What level do you need to be to enter qualifiers? I was just 12-6 and lost to someone 4-1 but he toyed with me and his name comes up on Google for German qualifiers.

27 wins gets you verified, you then you need hit 27 in a qualifier week. You got **** on by matchmaking.
Pheomenal for me, 223 goals in 374 games, probably similar number on assists as well. Felt bad replacing Neymar at first, but slowly more justified.
Decided to try an all out attack 433 formation with everyone set to stay or get forward, 10 depth and pressure after possession loss. Smashed 3 people and finished 17-11.

Ridiculous how OP wingers with pace are but 10 depth interests me now :o
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