Think I'm done this year, I'm forcing my self to play for no reason. Not enjoying it and rewards aren't worth it. I've found myself going a goal down and quitting everyone is just so boring to play against.
Sell up and prime icon spam, maybe I'll pack something to make me want to play (or not!)
In the whole objective process I have met perhaps 1 or 2 players who we swapped objectives with, the amount of toxic scrubs is crazy. I let people who are obviously doing Mendy objectives(they have him LW or up front), score or assist, then you would expect them to reciprocate but no.....they go super sweat mode. Its just weird.
It's beyond weird, I swear most are sociopaths.
I was doing the Fernandes play 8 games yesterday, a couple I played most I put the controller down. One game the guy had gold Mertens up front so clearly doing the Ibra objective and wanting to score goals. I played until about 10 minutes then put the controller down. He started banging them in as you'd expect and then starts shushing and watching the replays on every single goal, all 12 of them! What a loon!
Looking to sell a bunch of my fodder (~86 promo cards) to try to save up enough for TOTS Messi. Prices are low after WL right? So would I be better off waiting or is TOTS Messi likely to increase by more than my fodder?