FIFA 'Corruption'

Wow, I hope FIFA have enough black marker pens!

Their opt out of publishing the whole lot is a "legally appropriate version" so you can bet it will be very watered down probable with corruption elements gone. I hope that someone now goes ahead and leaks the whole document.
Their opt out of publishing the whole lot is a "legally appropriate version" so you can bet it will be very watered down probable with corruption elements gone. I hope that someone now goes ahead and leaks the whole document.

They are also only publishing once investigations into the committee members have finished. How long will that take? 2 years? More?
Heavily redacted? Guess FIFA have a lot to hide. Who woulda thought?

The 90 day ban won't come into affect until after a hearing and his excuse was that he didn't understand some of the questions as they were in Englisg........right!

I've don't speak Englisg either so I can understand.
I've ceased caring it's such a blatant farce and horrifically corrupt but no one wants to fix it as they all (in the main) get a peice of the pie.
I've ceased caring it's such a blatant farce and horrifically corrupt but no one wants to fix it as they all (in the main) get a peice of the pie.

Reminds me of our political system, both at national and European level, but that's another argument for another thread.

So, it's a three way fight. Suits Blatter ;)

Upon outlining his desire to succeed Blatter, 78, almost a year ago, Champagne outlined detailed plans. They included proposed quotas on foreign players and changes to football's rule book.

Just what world football is crying out for Mr Champagne. Seriously, where do they find these people.
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I said at the time, best way to describe this crack down on corruption was, corrupt American bid gets beaten by another corrupt bid, so someone involved in the american bid uses corrupt influence over corrupt FBI to run an investigation into corruption in Fifa to get out the current people that voted against them and get their own corrupt people in place so their next attempt at corruption succeeds.

So now a different corrupt guy is in charge of Fifa, no surprise. I can't remember which country it was, maybe CHile, there is an anti-corruption campaign group fighting against certain people in the government... the lead guy has had to quit because he's corrupt and was shown up from these documents. What was that a case of, same thing, corrupt people using corruption as a tool to oust a corrupt leader, but only to install their own corrupt leader.

It's corruption upon corruption. THere was zero chance of Fifa getting a non corrupt president, it was all about whose pocket the new guy was in, nothing more or less.
Then maybe it's time the world turned their back on FIFA.

Lol, Uefa is bent, the English FA is bent, every FA is bent, every corporation is bent, every government is bent. Not sure when people will realise that. When you combine power and money you get corruption. You gut Fifa and start a new organisation to organise tournaments that are only run for money and people want to effect the decision of where that tournament is held because they want to make money.... it's how the world currently works, it sucks but everyone is completely passive in changing it and part of the problem.

We apparently hate corruption but no one saw through Blatter being removed, everyone took it as a win for fighting corruption rather than seeing it for what it is, one group of corrupt people trying to get their choice of corrupt guy into the most powerful seat. People just allow themselves to buy the easy answer and pretend Fifa is fixing itself and that the investigation wasn't corrupt as well. If this new scandal hadn't happened people would have taken blatter/Platini out as a win and ignored corruption for another 5 years. Hell, when Blatter was being gone after people were still backing Platini, like the English FA were supporting him right up till they went after Platini... at which point we backed the next most corrupt horse who might help us out.

In a capitalist world you can't remove power and money from corruption until people actually start holding corrupt people accountable.

Why didn't more people go to jail after the banking crisis in America... because one of the lead guys investigating them at the time used to work for one of the banks... while he was investigating them that bank held his office for him and never replaced him. A few years after he closed loads of the investigations he went back to working for the bank he was investigating. Corruption at it's worst, literally just having a guy move from banking into the system investigating banking and magically finding no senior people guilty.

Should be 100% against the law for someone to work that high in the banking industry, move into justice department, then straight back. Ridiculous conflict of interest. The banking industry also lobbied the government to say any big sanctions or senior people going to jail would potentially cause a huge amount of jobs lost in the banking sector which would only further hurt the economy... while the banking system itself caused millions of jobs to be lost as a result of their screw ups. Completely bogus reasoning but who was listening on the other end, their insiders in the justice department.

Remove money from football entirely and you'd have a shot of getting rid of corruption... never going to happen.
Lol, Uefa is bent, the English FA is bent, every FA is bent, every corporation is bent, every government is bent.

If you say so.

Platini is like the **** that just won't flush.

Game can't move on until we get rid of these dinosaurs.
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