***FIFA11 PS3 10v10 Club***

You coming back to the fold regularly? Think I saw you on FIFA a couple of times this week...

I know Jonny isnt on tonight - not sure on others - my backs still not too great so been watching BDs...

ps3ud0 :cool:
So plans for tonight? Really looking for a repeat performance from Friday!

Im hoping people have been tightening their throughballs. Expecting some 'sexy' football :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
hrmm at 2212 hrs friday i was prolly half-cut...

what happened on friday did you win some games then? :eek:

I played three with Poly and Beenom. We played two strikers with an attacking midfielder. Won all three games quite comfortably and played some good stuff around the box.

I can play today but only before the Barcelona game. I have a pretty tough job so throughout the week I normally play offline. However Friday and Sunday nights suit me more. I'm going away for Christmas at the end of this week so I'll make sure I'm available throughout this week.
Club tonight - expect the normal lot on there - lets try for around 9? Only slight issue I have is that Ive only had a couple of hours sleep due to my back so might not play that long or fall asleep anytime soon :p

See you in chat

ps3ud0 :cool:
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