***FIFA11 PS3 10v10 Club***

So youll on - awesome :D. Was only one away from a hat-trick on Monday - can you do better ;).

Arsenal Barca game has put me in the mood - great passing to feet with vision and cover the runners when theyre passing breaks down - we dont play much different really...

ps3ud0 :cool:
I'm up for it although I have only made my VP today bit hes bit of rookie, if you don't mind me joining me hes AMF- box to box player.
Id recommend getting him levelled up to overall 80 if you can, youll find him annoying and out of his depth in Club otherwise. You decided whats better yet - FIFA and PES? ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Tough choice lol Pes is better for 2vs2 guest games thats for sure as it had quick game feature, I think need to to give FIFA another week before I deside they both have there strength and weaknesses.

VP modes great fun although my player sucks lol I'm playing for Sydney Fc can never higher rating that 7 atm....
Its not a requirement - just more a good chance for you to work out a decent VP that suits your style and get an idea how Clubs/VP Ranked works - least then youre more comfortable in playing and not annoyed that your VP wont do the stuff you want him to (I know you like to chip and fast pass - no doubt youve realised how poor your VP is for such things already aswell as how slow and tired he gets)...

Aswell as fixed positions (we actually rotate positions when we play to make it fair - basically youll end up as a forward or midfielder) you can also play as the ANY, which is like 1v1, only that its normally more like 3v1 and youve got a crap team of CPU generated players (usually in the 70s) playing against forwards that are more likely to be in the high 80s. Its a hard position to do well (Im crap at it) but when it works its good...

From the few games weve played 1v1 I think you like Clubs, though Im no shrinking violet when it comes to picking up things we need to improve on! The main regulars have played for around 2 seasons of FIFA so weve kinda got used to how people play and quite good at adapting...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Yeah better idea get some practice first its great fun atm, although he pretty useless lol, needs to be subbed 50 mins in if he were real player. Do you know if it effects the progression points if you play on easier difficulty.

I let you guys know when hes solid player; thinking get to him to lvl 75ish vs the Computer then go online get some real practice, onces I'm confident and VPs good enough try and join you guys.

Give me shout if you want a game ps3ud0 :cool:
If you look at the accomp book, beginners accomps can be done on any difficulty, intermediate needs semi-pro while all the advanced need world class. So I think most people tend to rely on world class once their VP can at least do the simple things...

Also some accomps need you to assign a particular position to your VP (obviously you need to be a defender for the defender stuff, but theres a couple in other sections that are positional dependent too).

Im gonna be in GT5 for a bit to do the seasonals but might be on FIFA later - depends if I have the early night I need or not :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
This games stating to **** me off people leave online matches before its over, why don't EA punish them like on PES make them lose points, also not have Quit option so your forced to reset the console
Whats happening? Unfortunately Ranked is full of people that leave if they even sense they might get a fair game - why I just dont play it myself. Normally I play only Club and occasional 1v1s with OcUKers or mates...

Did you try VP Ranked where you play as one player 11v11? Mental isnt it?

ps3ud0 :cool:
Whats happening? Unfortunately Ranked is full of people that leave if they even sense they might get a fair game - why I just dont play it myself. Normally I play only Club and occasional 1v1s with OcUKers or mates...

Did you try VP Ranked where you play as one player 11v11? Mental isnt it?

ps3ud0 :cool:

VP ranked was full of bunch monkeys playing Tag with the football, everyone chasing it lol, CBs playing CF, on guy would run back to his half and give it to our striker let him score. ...
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