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Well yeah. Its basically not 'you can only mine and cash out as you go along' earning a pound a day, when you put it in your context it sounds ****. If you save the pounds worth for a while then exit when its triple the value, you have ended up mining like it was £3 a day... :p

Its not rocket science. Haters gonna hate regardless.

Me, I mine when I'm not gaming. I been at it since around 2012 on GPU's, its not like a new fad some people seem to drift into/out of it. If anything the past three or four gens its one of the factors I bring in to the purchase (can it mine well).

Before I mined I done the grid computing, science stuff (folding@home etc) so a PC has been a multi-use tool for me not just a gaming machine.

I agree with your points naturally, if I'm thinking of switching coin after ETH 2.0 then others will and convert whatever coin to ETH. Planning to HODL for at least 5 years and see what happens- speculation but would be nice if it rockets in value, then will cash out.
Well yeah. Its basically not 'you can only mine and cash out as you go along' earning a pound a day, when you put it in your context it sounds ****. If you save the pounds worth for a while then exit when its triple the value, you have ended up mining like it was £3 a day... :p

Its not rocket science. Haters gonna hate regardless.

Me, I mine when I'm not gaming. I been at it since around 2012 on GPU's, its not like a new fad some people seem to drift into/out of it. If anything the past three or four gens its one of the factors I bring in to the purchase (can it mine well).

Before I mined I done the grid computing, science stuff (folding@home etc) so a PC has been a multi-use tool for me not just a gaming machine.
But can still afford a £500 gfx card?
they may have been given a gpu or bought in past, but haters will hate, and selfishness off the scale in here, maybe they holding a load of coins and sell when price rockets who knows, in fact who cares, but we can see the selfish ***** in here:cry::cry::cry:

trolls out in force, mummy is calling:cry::cry:
If it was a get rich story, I would have banked all the tokens and cashed out at the peak... sadly in reality not many people will crest the wave.

Its a pocket money thing for me, if I had not done it I would not have half the components in my rigs and the wife (although really helpful with my gpu acquisition during lockdown) normally has our surplus incomings already spoken for.

When I have mined a stash it goes on an exchange to 'gamble' ;) where I can make another 5-10% depending on how lucky I am. People also call this trading and skirts into Technical Analysis, but im not into that really but it does boost ones knowledge in patterns, stock/shares etc.

Overall I am happy I got into crypto as I have learned tons. When the day comes for the populations to use it I should be well equipped, comfortable with it and ahead of the curve so to speak. To quash it as nonsense, useless and invention/gambling is being almost disrespectful, but I understand these opinions and its not my job to convince anyone either! :cry:

Back OT - will hopefully see more of these deals on OcUK. Is the new forum thing going to be used for them?
Are they not a fire risk, i wouldnt want to leave my house with a mining rig running non stop for a poxy £1 or 2 a day. Smells of despiration to me

It's gambling. People aren't mining for £1 or £2 per day. They're mining for tokens they hope they will be able to sell for very high prices. I remember not bothering with bitcoin when it was a new thing because the "coins" were selling for pennies. The same "coins" that were later selling for tens of thousands of pounds each.

Better odds than the lottery.
they may have been given a gpu or bought in past, but haters will hate, and selfishness off the scale in here, maybe they holding a load of coins and sell when price rockets who knows, in fact who cares, but we can see the selfish ***** in here:cry::cry::cry:

trolls out in force, mummy is calling:cry::cry:
Apart from your good self, who exactly is trolling here? And what selfishness are you referring to?

It would be nice if you would make some sense with your posting.

..and better interest than your 1% savings account in the bank! ;)
Until you get scammed.

Whatever money you have in crypto, once you add exchanges into the mix, you can lose everything quite easily. And also the sheer number of ***coin scamcoins. There's a new scam in crypto land every day, and SFYL every day.

Brave new world of finance (lol). It's like what would happen if all financial institutions were 100% deregulated overnight. Because that's exactly what it is. Finance with zero regulation. Gambling with zero regulation.

e: Riddle me this: if the future of finance was crypto in its current state, how ****ed would we all be? 1) Very ****ed. 2) Apocalypse Now ****ed 3) Global Thermonuclear War ****ed.
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[..] e: Riddle me this: if the future of finance was crypto in its current state, how ****ed would we all be? 1) Very ****ed. 2) Apocalypse Now ****ed 3) Global Thermonuclear War ****ed.

It would be time to start gathering bottlecaps.
Until you get scammed.

Whatever money you have in crypto, once you add exchanges into the mix, you can lose everything quite easily. And also the sheer number of ***coin scamcoins. There's a new scam in crypto land every day, and SFYL every day.

This is what makes me laugh at the pro FIAT brigade. You act like you a) cant get scammed by fiat methods (bank fraud, phishing, remote desktop - think indian call centres) b) no nefarious activities like drug dealing use fiat..

Complete wet paper bag arguments.

The answer is you have victims by the hour on any monetary system. Only way to beat it is education. The reason credit cards 'protect' you is because of all the plankton customers paying for the cover through the extortionate interest/charges! :cry::cry:
@Th0nt When was the last time you got scammed by your bank? Without resorting to talking about 2008...

When was the last time you had a fraudulent transaction on your bank account that the bank would not reverse?

When was the last time a fiat currency pulled an exit scam?

Indian scammers aren't part and parcel of the financial system, so you can't say that people claiming to be "Your Microsoft ISP" are the same thing as cryptoland scammers, because they're not related to the financial system at all.

In cryptoland, the people pulling the scams are the equivalent of the banks, or the equivalent of the fiat currencies themselves. The people running the core systems are the scammers :D :D And you call that a wet paper bag argument...

Then you've got your Tether, etc... the very definition of fraud, currently being investigated by multiple agencies.

And you've got exchanges being banned all over the globe for providing financial services yet being completely unregulated, unaudited and uncertified to do so.

e: I guess countries like the UK, Canada, US, China won't be part of the glorious future of finance. El Salvador will be the new financial capital of the world :p (Examples of bans include Cryptocurrency exchange Binance banned by UK regulator (cnbc.com))
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I got scammed by my bank once with the paying in machines, ate my cash and never added it to the balance.
Did you get your money back? They will have been able to see that the cash in the machine was more than the expected balance, and I'd be very (very) surprised if this hasn't happened dozens of times before. Machines like that aren't infallible, and the bank would most likely have had procedures in place to remedy any faults.

That's the difference between fiat banking and cryptoland. There is no remedial action in cryptoland. Once you've lost your money you've lost your money.

Especially if you lost your money to an exit scam, which is the equivalent of the UK treasury or central bank just running off with everyone's money (after converting it to USD or something), in the process devaluing GBP to zero...
Did you get your money back? They will have been able to see that the cash in the machine was more than the expected balance, and I'd be very (very) surprised if this hasn't happened dozens of times before. Machines like that aren't infallible, and the bank would most likely have had procedures in place to remedy any faults.
Yeah I got it back in the end but took about a month and was quite an inconvenience as I needed it to pay some bills. I always insist on paying in at the cashiers desk now even if I'm directed to the machine by the banks CS advisor.
Yeah I got it back in the end but took about a month and was quite an inconvenience as I needed it to pay some bills. I always insist on paying in at the cashiers desk now even if I'm directed to the machine by the banks CS advisor.
I don’t even go to the bank (HSBC), I pay in cash at my local post office.
Thats the easy option these days with banks still playing silliy buggers with opening hours. Just don`t turn up with a couple of grand in cash :D

:) also @FoxEye banks are still reaping overdraft interest and struggling in the new status quo propping up their expensive high street buildings. Cant believe Im reading people actually think the banks are their friends. Let's just bail out another Northern Rock!
Cards pulled from sale for now, I don't want nightmare or to come in tomorrow to see 1000's sold, as such playing it safe and pulling from sale, I hope to get them back on sale again soon and when I do I shall post a heads up in this thread. :)
Hmmm....posted at 17:47 and my order shows up as 17:48, talk about cutting it close :)

Thanks for sorting out deals! I just have to wait for another deal and get one for my other half so she doesn't kill me for my card :)
Nope, just Inno3D and Zotac, most the brands don't have the stock availability or willingness to get the price this low.

I salute them then, anything that impedes maybe damages the mainstream long term is quite easily bad for all of us in reducing the breadth of the market; then maybe some games dont get the sales figures, arent worth developing fully for PC, etc. The more normal users and players get the 3 series, the more Ray tracing in games Im going to see. Would be shame for it to fizzle out for years as its been a long time coming
Did you get your money back? They will have been able to see that the cash in the machine was more than the expected balance, and I'd be very (very) surprised if this hasn't happened dozens of times before. Machines like that aren't infallible, and the bank would most likely have had procedures in place to remedy any faults.

That's the difference between fiat banking and cryptoland. There is no remedial action in cryptoland. Once you've lost your money you've lost your money.

Especially if you lost your money to an exit scam, which is the equivalent of the UK treasury or central bank just running off with everyone's money (after converting it to USD or something), in the process devaluing GBP to zero...

I've never been scammed in cryptoland. But i didn't buy many **** coins so i'm all good.

I am currently being paid 5% intered in ethereum too. It's went up 33% since i bought it plus add in the 5% apr on top of that.

only fools think cash in the bank is nice to have.
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