Finally made the jump to a mac.

I've got a Macbook pro I'm using at the moment so far so good - had to do a bit of unix fiddling to get it just right so far, and once I get my windows mobile to synch all the better - just need to try and see if it'll synch with some form of PIM and I'll be sold.

What kind of "under the bonnet" UNIX tinkering did you have to do? I am curious.

As for you Windows Mobile (hang your head in shame) go and purchases The Missing Sync. Jobs a good 'un.

Of course once the iPhone gets Exchange and VPN support I assume you will ditch that cursed Windows Mobile? ;) :p
I quite like it though :o It's got 3G, WiFi, built in GPS (ergo satnav) and all the apps in the world I could need - it'll be hard to replace!

I had to do some symlinks for the home folders to point to my NAS drive rather than to the local disc.

I also had to do a couple of other things I can't remember what now, but it hasn't screwed up my computer so it's all good! :D I'm not shy of the terminal window as I've been using Linux for a couple of years. (Though mainly the GUI).
I quite like it though :o It's got 3G, WiFi, built in GPS (ergo satnav) and all the apps in the world I could need - it'll be hard to replace!

I had to do some symlinks for the home folders to point to my NAS drive rather than to the local disc.

I also had to do a couple of other things I can't remember what now, but it hasn't screwed up my computer so it's all good! :D I'm not shy of the terminal window as I've been using Linux for a couple of years. (Though mainly the GUI).

Go and build a Gentoo system from scratch. That should bring your UNIX/Linux skills up a bit.

Hope you have a good, long, relationship with your Mac and a short relationship with that evil Windows Mobile. See I have to use a Vodafone 1615 at work (with all the toys, just like yours) and it drives me mad. Makes me want to get back to my Nokia N70 and that is saying something...
Hehe - it's just so useful and does all that I want it to do so I doubt I'll be changing it :o

I've got an ubuntu box here that I use don't know if I can be bothered to install gentoo on it instead :p
Hehe - it's just so useful and does all that I want it to do so I doubt I'll be changing it :o

I've got an ubuntu box here that I use don't know if I can be bothered to install gentoo on it instead :p

If you are interested in Linux and want a very focus, streamlined system that has been complied using optimal settings for your hardware I seriously suggest you try Gentoo.

Not for the faint hearted but worth the effort in my opinion.
I'm thinking about taking the plunge. I'm using a MBP at home that I've borrowed, if I can get it to do what I want then I shall be getting myself one. :)
By "do what you want" do you mean do what you already do in Windows, or are you looking for something else?
mwahahaha .. it was only a matter of time... :D

There's some subtle difference between Linux and Leopard when it comes to installing and running Open Source (directory structure being one, linker being another)... one big help is MacPort.. so if you're wanting a bit more of any easy ride from Linux then I'd look at MacPort as it has a large number of ported libraries, utilities and programs (GIMP being one..) all with easy package based installation - just sudo port install <package> ...
Recently decided to ditch the PC as well and go completely Mac, was using the Macbook far more than PC.

So, I got this...


And instantly set about upgrading it, so now its a 2.16Ghz C2D, 200Gb HDD and 2Gb ram. Even persuaded my 64 year old mum, now she's got herself an Imac:p
I've been a mac user for over a year, and I'm not ashamed to admit I find new keyboard combo's even now :D.

Still use that other operating system for odd gaming as and when but OSX is just so easy on the mind.
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