**** Firefox extensions - Listzilla ****



28 Apr 2004

I recently reinstalled Firefox and only backed up my Bookmarks and not my extensions. I had quite a few and many were found in a thread in General Discussion asking members to list their extensions using the extension, Listzilla. As well as helping me (please :)), it should be a useful thread...

1. So, if you haven't installed it already, click here...Listzilla 0.5.1

2. Tools > Export Extension List > vB Code

3. Paste contents in your post with font size 1


Enabled Extensions: (2)

Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
Generated Fri Mar 18 2005 02:57:03 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Enabled Extensions: (6)

Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
BugMeNot 0.6.2 - Bypass compulsory web registration with the context menu via www.bugmenot.com.
Disable Targets For Downloads 0.9 - Prevents download links opening a blank window.
Download Manager Tweak 0.6.5 - A modification of the Firefox download manager that changes its appearance and allows it to be opened in a separate window, a new tab, or the sidebar.
Google Images Re-Linker 0.1.2 - Jumps directly to the full-size image on images.google.com.
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
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Generated Fri Mar 18 2005 07:02:54 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Enabled Extensions: (7)

ChromEdit - A Simple User Profile File Editor
Disable Targets For Downloads 0.9 - Prevents download links opening a blank window.
ieview 0.86 - Open pages in IE via Firefox menus
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
Paste and Go 0.4.1 - Lets you paste an URL from the clipboard and directly load it.
Tab Mix 0.1.2a - Multi-functions for tabbed browsing.
x 0.6.3 - Adds a paranoia button to the toolbar

Generated Fri Mar 18 2005 09:23:34 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Enabled Extensions: (15)

Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
Bookmarks Synchronizer 1.0.1 - Bookmarks Synchronizer is a Mozilla Firefox extension that let you connect to an FTP/WebDAV server and synchronize your bookmarks that are stored in an XML file. Setup is easy; just write in your FTP/WebDAV server address, username, password and a name for the XML file (by default called xbel.xml). To start, press Upload to create the file on the server and set if you want to automatically download the file on startup or upload it when you close your browser.
fireFTP 0.84.3 - FTP client for Mozilla Firefox.
ForecastFox 0.7 - Get international weather forecasts from weather.com, and display it in any toolbar or statusbar with this highly customizable extension.
GooglePreview 0.8 - Inserts web site previews in google and yahoo search results.
ieview 0.83 - Open pages in IE via Firefox menus
Image Toolbar 0.5 - Provides easy access to common image functions.
Image Zoom 0.1.7 - Adds zoom functionality for images
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
LiveBookmarkThis 0.1 - Gives an Add Live Bookmark option when right-clicking links
Mozilla Archive Format 0.4.3 - Save complete web pages in a single file.
Password Maker 0.1 - Aids creation of site specific passwords.
SwitchProxy Tool 1.3.1 - A tool that allows you to manage and switch between multiple proxy configurations quickly and easily.
SyncMarks 0.3 - Synchronizes your bookmarks with various targets, including FTP, HTML, XML, and the Favorites directory.
Tabbrowser Preferences 1.1.1 - Enhances control over some aspects of tabbed browsing.

Generated Fri Mar 18 2005 09:19:52 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Enabled Extensions: (6)

Disable Targets For Downloads 0.8 - Prevents download links opening a blank window.
FlashGot - Enables Mozilla and Firefox to handle single and massive ("all" and "selection") downloads using the most popular external download managers for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and FreeBSD (19 currently supported, see Extension's Home Page for details). FlashGot offers also a Build Gallery functionality which helps to synthetize full media galleries in one page, from serial contents originally scattered on several pages, for easy and fast "download all".
Google Pagerank Status 0.9.4 - Display the google pagerank in your browser's status bar.
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
Magpie 3.1.2 - Media Collection Tools
TinyUrl Creator 0.7.1 - TinyUrl brings the http://tinyurl.com functionality into your browser. It takes a long URL as input, and gives you a short URL to use in it's place.
Great Thread!!!

Generated Fri Mar 18 2005 09:45:01 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Enabled Extensions: (8)

Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
CuteMenus 0.4 - Adds icons to menus and popups.
Disable Targets For Downloads 0.9 - Prevents download links opening a blank window.
ieview 0.84 - Open pages in IE via Firefox menus
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
Menu Editor 1.1 - Control context menus
SpellBound 0.7.3 - Adds spell checker support to web forms and extensions.
SpellBound Win32 Components 0.7.0 - Thunderbird 0.9.0 composer.xpt myspell.dll spellchecker.xpt spellchk.dll
Sorry got too much open to restart firefox to get listzilla to work

Tabbrowser Preferences
mcdermos said:
Sorry got too much open to restart firefox to get listzilla to work

Tabbrowser Preferences

you need session saver! it saves the pages you had open last and reopens them the next time you use firefox!

Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
ColorZilla 0.8.2 - Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies.
Download Manager Tweak 0.6.5 - A modification of the Firefox download manager that changes its appearance and allows it to be opened in a separate window, a new tab, or the sidebar.
ieview 0.84 - Open pages in IE via Firefox menus
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
Tabbrowser Preferences 1.1.1 - Enhances control over some aspects of tabbed browsing.
Generated Fri Mar 18 2005 11:23:39 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Enabled Extensions: (8)

Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
BugMeNot 0.6.2 - Bypass compulsory web registration with the context menu via www.bugmenot.com.
ForecastFox 0.7 - Get international weather forecasts from weather.com, and display it in any toolbar or statusbar with this highly customizable extension.
ieview 0.84 - Open pages in IE via Firefox menus
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
Tabbrowser Preferences 1.2.2 - Enhances control over some aspects of tabbed browsing.
Tweak Network 1.0 - Tweak network settings.
undoclosetab 20041126 - Adds Undo Close Tab.
Mine done work, because I just extract my profile when i reinstall windows, so it doesnt know where to read from :p
Woo hoo! Biggest list so far!

Generated Fri Mar 18 2005 12:30:19 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Enabled Extensions: (28)

Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
BBCode 0.3.7 - Adds BBCode to the context menu for forums like Mozillazine (PHPBB and others). Based on Cussers pastequote extension.
cuneAform 0.3.1 - cuneAform has been designed to create a HTML Editor that anyone can use.
Disable Targets For Downloads 0.8 - Prevents download links opening a blank window.
Download Manager Tweak 0.6.5 - A modification of the Firefox download manager that changes its appearance and allows it to be opened in a separate window, a new tab, or the sidebar.
Download Sort 2.5.0 - Automatically save downloads to different directories.
Download Statusbar 0.9.2 - View downloads in an auto-hide statusbar.
downTHEMall! 0.9.4 - Filter the extensions of all the links present in a page and download the selected files ot the pictures in just one click!
EditCSS 0.2.3 - Stylesheet modifier in the Sidebar.
fireFTP 0.87 - FTP client for Mozilla Firefox.
Firesomething 1.6.0 - All your branding are belong to Firesomething.
FlashGot - Enables Mozilla and Firefox to handle single and massive ("all" and "selection") downloads using the most popular external download managers for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and FreeBSD (21 currently supported, see Extension's Home Page for details). FlashGot offers also a Build Gallery functionality which helps to synthetize full media galleries in one page, from serial contents originally scattered on several pages, for easy and fast "download all".
Html Validator (based on Tidy) 0.3.1 - Adds HTML validation to the View Page Source of the browser. The validation is done by Tidy from W3c.
ieview 0.84 - Open pages in IE via Firefox menus
Image Zoom 0.1.7 - Adds zoom functionality for images
Image-Show-Hide - Creates a toolbar button to quickly turn images on web-pages on and off and optional autoreload current page.
Launchy 3.9.0 - Open links and mailto's with external applications like Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Outlook etc
Linkification 0.9.20 - Converts text links into genuine, clickable links.
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
Magpie 3.1.2 - Media Collection Tools
Paste and Go 0.4.1 - Lets you paste an URL from the clipboard and directly load it.
Print It! 0.3.1 - Adds optionally a print and print preview option to the context menu and provides a button for printpreview.
SecurePassword Generator 0.5.1 - Creates a toolbar icon and dialog which helps to create secure passwords.
Show Image 0.3 - Adds context menu entry to reload images that failed to show on page.
Tabbrowser Preferences 1.2.2 - Enhances control over some aspects of tabbed browsing.
Tweak Network 1.0 - Tweak network settings.
Web Developer 0.8 - Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools.
x 0.6.3 - Adds a paranoia button to the toolbar
Generated Fri Mar 18 2005 14:46:24 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Enabled Extensions: (16)

Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
Allow Right-Click 0.1.1 - Defeats web sites' right-click prevention scripts.
ChromEdit - A Simple User Profile File Editor
Compact Menu - Duplicates the menubar on the toolbar as a menu of menus.
Download Statusbar 0.9.2 - View downloads in an auto-hide statusbar.
FlashGot - Enables Mozilla and Firefox to handle single and massive ("all" and "selection") downloads using the most popular external download managers for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and FreeBSD (21 currently supported, see Extension's Home Page for details). FlashGot offers also a Build Gallery functionality which helps to synthetize full media galleries in one page, from serial contents originally scattered on several pages, for easy and fast "download all".
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
Magpie 3.1.2 - Media Collection Tools
Menu Editor 1.1 - Control context menus
miniT 20050216 - Adds a few tab related functions.
Mouse Gestures 1.0 - Allows you to execute common commands using mouse gestures.
Rewind/Fastforward Buttons 1.3.2005031401 - Adds "Rewind" and "Fastforward" buttons for the toolbar.
Show Failed URL 0.1.4 - Displays failed URLs in the Location Bar when XUL error pages are enabled.
Stop-or-Reload Button 0.1 - Turns the stop and reload buttons into a single one. When you can stop, you have a Stop button, otherwise you have a Reload button. (Like in Safari)
Tabbrowser Preferences 1.2.2 - Enhances control over some aspects of tabbed browsing.
undoclosetab 20041125.3 - Adds Undo Close Tab.

Nice thread, I might give SpellBound a go in a couple of days. :)
Great thread
I'm wondering,is there an extension which offers near enough the same functionality as TabBrowserExtensions,because I can certainly tell the difference with TabBrowserExtensions on and off(much quicker)

Generated Fri Mar 18 2005 16:56:14 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Enabled Extensions: (11)

Download Manager Tweak 0.6.5 - A modification of the Firefox download manager that changes its appearance and allows it to be opened in a separate window, a new tab, or the sidebar.
Extended Statusbar 1.0 - A Statusbar with Speed, Percentage, Time and loaded size (like Opera's one)
Google Pagerank Status 0.9.4 - Display the google pagerank in your browser's status bar.
ieview 0.84 - Open pages in IE via Firefox menus
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
Mouse Gestures 1.0 - Allows you to execute common commands using mouse gestures.
Single Window 1.4 - Single window mode for Firefox and Mozilla.
SlashFix 0.21 - Fixes Slashdot rendering error in Firefox.
Tabbrowser Preferences 1.1.1 - Enhances control over some aspects of tabbed browsing.
WeatherFox 0.5.1 - Get the weather in any toolbar or statusbar!
Web Developer 0.8 - Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools.
marc2003 said:


tried that and tab browser preferences,and kept tab mix installed

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Generated Fri Mar 18 2005 18:23:57 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Enabled Extensions: (11)

Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
Bandwidth Tester 0.4.1 - Tells you the bandwidth of your current internet connection.
Download Manager Tweak 0.6.4 - A modification of the Firefox download manager that changes its appearance and allows it to be opened in a separate window, a new tab, or the sidebar.
Download Statusbar 0.9.2 - View downloads in an auto-hide statusbar.
FlashGot - Enables Mozilla and Firefox to handle single and massive ("all" and "selection") downloads using the most popular external download managers for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and FreeBSD (19 currently supported, see Extension's Home Page for details). FlashGot offers also a Build Gallery functionality which helps to synthetize full media galleries in one page, from serial contents originally scattered on several pages, for easy and fast "download all".
FoxyTunes 1.1 - Control any media player from Firefox and more...
Gmail Notifier 0.4.2 - A notifier for Gmail accounts.
ieview 0.86 - Open pages in IE via Firefox menus
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
Paste and Go 0.4.1 - Lets you paste an URL from the clipboard and directly load it.
Tabbrowser Preferences 1.2.2 - Enhances control over some aspects of tabbed browsing.
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