I recently reinstalled Firefox and only backed up my Bookmarks and not my extensions. I had quite a few and many were found in a thread in General Discussion asking members to list their extensions using the extension, Listzilla. As well as helping me (please
), it should be a useful thread...
1. So, if you haven't installed it already, click here...Listzilla 0.5.1
2. Tools > Export Extension List > vB Code
3. Paste contents in your post with font size 1
Enabled Extensions: (2)
Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
I recently reinstalled Firefox and only backed up my Bookmarks and not my extensions. I had quite a few and many were found in a thread in General Discussion asking members to list their extensions using the extension, Listzilla. As well as helping me (please

1. So, if you haven't installed it already, click here...Listzilla 0.5.1
2. Tools > Export Extension List > vB Code
3. Paste contents in your post with font size 1
Enabled Extensions: (2)
Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
ListZilla 0.5.1 - Outputs an alphabetical list of either extensions or themes to a text, vB code, or HTML file.