Firework Season 2023

I miss the good old days growing up in the 70s early 80s, Parents would give us money to buy bangers from the local shop and not be a nuisance...... Stolen milk bottles with bangers in, stolen milk bottle filled with half full of petrol with 3 bangers taped around the side was good. All stood in a circle playing chicken throwing a banger in the air. If we was unlucky we ended up with Roman candles and we just used to wrap our coats around our hand and chase each across the park with them, sometimes playing army if we had enough.

Fun times, anyone who brought sparklers was ridiculed.
I miss the good old days growing up in the 70s early 80s, Parents would give us money to buy bangers from the local shop and not be a nuisance...... Stolen milk bottles with bangers in, stolen milk bottle filled with half full of petrol with 3 bangers taped around the side was good. All stood in a circle playing chicken throwing a banger in the air. If we was unlucky we ended up with Roman candles and we just used to wrap our coats around our hand and chase each across the park with them, sometimes playing army if we had enough.

Fun times, anyone who brought sparklers was ridiculed.

Way back at uni we bought some rockets.

Wed stand in a circle (hand over balls rather than eyes.. What idiots we were)..
Put the rocket in a wellie boot..
Light the rocket.

The boot would spin and eventually the rocket would come shooting out. The aim was.. Obviously.. Not to get maimed.

Good Times!
But definitely a reason why people shouldn't but fireworks!
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I'm all about the deep boom. Love hearing the public display rockets fire out of the launchers with a big low bass thud, giving the excitement of what's to come. Love the ones towards the end of the display where you can hear an even deeper thud so you know it's big! Yes, I'm a child.
I miss the good old days growing up in the 70s early 80s, Parents would give us money to buy bangers from the local shop and not be a nuisance...... Stolen milk bottles with bangers in, stolen milk bottle filled with half full of petrol with 3 bangers taped around the side was good. All stood in a circle playing chicken throwing a banger in the air. If we was unlucky we ended up with Roman candles and we just used to wrap our coats around our hand and chase each across the park with them, sometimes playing army if we had enough.

Fun times, anyone who brought sparklers was ridiculed.

Surprisingly no one got hurt but my group of friends did some silly stuff along those line when I was 12-15 or so, one lad could get hold of some proper industrial type bangers - probably could have easily killed someone looking back at the power of them. Only one I look back on with a bit of regret was when we were playing about with milk/glass bottles and high powered bangers near a infants school playground - the headmistress lost her **** and we were chased across town by the police.

I thought it amusing at school to slide one down a pipe that lead underground with some cables in it, just as it detonated the head master came around the corner and I'm sauntering off trying to look innocent - took out the power to half the school but they put it down to an electrical fault.
Shouldn't Guy Fawkes be seen as a hero rather than us celebrating his failure ?
Edit this is something I ponder every year, just because I watched v for Vendetta again last night is irrelevant, honest
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Great, we have prats around here shooting off fireworks already. Really don’t know why the public aren't banned from buying them yet, we can’t buy guns freely, yet we can buy high explosives which can be used as deadly weapons!
Should be illegal for public use. You can't buy any other kind of highly dangerous explosive over the counter. Chavs just frightening pets and anoyying people. Spending their dole money on pointless noise. Heard loads during the day, why? You can't even see it.

Go to an official display if you enjoy fireworks.
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