First Build! :D

What amd athlon chip?


Middle chip: From my board just for size comparison

Spec: p4, 3.00ghz sl7pu socket lga775

left side chip spec: from junk pc's
amd athlon, 27493, 1999 amd, axda2500dkv4d, t865947f41847, kgyha 0422epmw, socket 462

right side chip sped from junk pc

p4, sl59v malay 1.5ghz socket mpga478b

Just put mychip in for size comparison :D

Is on the bay the best place for these??
Tokin, doing all that over the amd chip i lost out on some ocz cas 5 ram 4gb lol, oh well i have found some xms2 4gb ;D
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0 Watchers on the cpu's :(

On the plus side I have won a coolermaster red L.e.D 120mm clear fan :D £4.91 with P&p

And some games i have won: (Brother was complaining how i never buy any games for the pc or the 360)

Lemonade tycoon, ice cream tycoon for £6.38 with p&p
Assassins creed £5.45 with p&p
The sims 2 open for business £5.20 with p&p

Don't forget about download services for games too, they are often cheaper than the stores and sometimes cheaper than used boxed games.

Steam/Green man gaming and the like, always read the PC Games section as people point out deals in there.

Also remember when buying used games that some have copyright protection that only allow them to be installed a certain number of times.

you must have enough fans by now :p

by the time you finish your build you will have access to the MM lol.

edit. Need for Speed games are on offer on steam until sunday. Some are £3.75 each, the newest ones are £10 to £15ish.


Oh i will have alook ;D:D
of earlstown market i just pickesd up a coolmastercase + hiper psu with asus INTEL delux motherboard + dualcore cpu , 2 gig of corsair ram AND A HUGE ATI 4870 , barracuda 200gig sata hdd, sound blaster card, wireless network card all for

20 QUID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u want anything of it bar the graphics , caes and psu

No im good, thanks for the offer though

I will get there eventually with the cpu and the ram :D

I am going with a blue and red theme, I have got my blue led yate loon fan but forgot and left it at my grandma's:rolleyes: :D

I will get some pics up tonight when i come in from work, update will probably be about 2.30 :p:D

No psu to test it though:rolleyes:

cheers Luke
Fingers crossed mate :) Iv'e been following this one for a while now,Im sure you will find it all worth it in the end :)

Im wanting it done know :D

I have lost out on the cpu, but i will wait till next week till i get one of the bay should have more money then, but i am getting some xms2 I hope:D:D
Sorry about not updating when i said but, mum left fan at my grandma's.

No word on the cpu cooler yet or the other 2 fans yet but should be here in the week :D

Some pics of the yate loon blue l.e.d fan:D

  • Im going with front 140mm intake

    underneath 120mm intake or should i make it exhaust:confused:

    Side x1 intake 120mm

    side x2 exhaust or intake:confused::confused:

    Rear 120mm exhaust fan

So Just tell me what i think i should do regarding the fan business with the confused smilies :D

Some pics in situ and on the drawers




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