First Build*: Ghost

Nice build hope it goes well for you! Im scared about installing my CPU too :S
Exactly as R-evans said. Just like Lego. Providing you take your time, linje it up properly, and don't keep taking it out and putting it back everything should be fine :)


Thank you all for such positive comments.

I have since swapped the memory into the other two slots and can honestly say I have noticed no difference. However, it has allowed a little more room for the pipes on the H100i as they're quite thick!

I have also added in an MSI NX8600GT that I've borrowed from a friend, however to be honest I don't think it's providing me with any benefits. It seems to perform identically to the HD4000 IGP in my i5. And, if anything, it's more of a hindrance as the VGA port on my TV is broken, meaning I can't use my machine as I am yet to get myself an actual monitor. I haven't been paid since before Christmas and every penny I'd saved since April went into building the machine. Oh the frustration!

On a lighter note, the system is running very well at stock clocks. Excellent boot time and programs run very smoothly indeed!

I'm yet to venture into the world of overclocking, however without being able to use the machine properly there's just no point right now. Once I'm off the living room floor, and at my desk I'll let you know how I get on!

Thanks again,

- Anthony.
Well, in regards to my previous post, today has been a bit a wild one.

Not 10 minutes after posting, I came across a 20" LG monitor in my local area. Went to pick it up, it's in pretty much brand new condition, and now I'm all set up and actually using my machine, yay!

A couple of pictures for you lot!


So here is all is. Arranged on my desk, booted and running perfectly! It did take me a few minutes to find the right screen resolution, but it's actually a really nice looking monitor. I'm handing the NX8600GT back to my friend soon as I just can't see any point having it in the machine, and I've got a HDMI-DVI cable on the way so I can just run the IGP until I get a decent graphics card later in the year. I'm loving the mousepad, they keyboard is taking a little getting used to, but it works great. And the mouse. Well...

What can I say? They sure don't build them like this anymore. It's an old Time mouse from the first ever PC we owned in this household. Goodness, that was a long time ago. Since I haven't been paid and can't actually get a decent mouse yet, I have no choice. And yes, it does have a ball. Haha. I shall be swiftly replacing it once some money comes in!


Cheers everyone!

- Anthony.
ahh the old ball type mouse. i loved them, used to take the weighted ball out and lob it at my little brother.

See, I still live with mine... Hehe ;)


Great build ;)

Thanks a lot!


So, I had a quick go with the OC Genie feature last night. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I took a screenshot of the results for you guys :)

What do we think? Good, bad?



- Anthony.
4.2 @ 1.12v - is that P95 stable? Mine crashes if I leave Vcore auto and even try 4.0! :(

I honestly couldn't tell you to be honest.

I've since disabled the OC Genie and gone back to stock clocks. Going to have a proper read up on overclocking and have a go manually. Stress test under full load with the H100i at max, and see what results I get.
Good job. Great looking build.

Thanks a lot!

my mate has the same board as you and as far as looks go its fantastic but i really didnt like its overclocking features.

It's a great board, I haven't delved into the overclocking features yet but it'll be my first time ever so I can't really compare, hehe!

Looking good, love the ball mouse, hated using them though.

Thanks a lot! The mouse will do for now, but like you, I really don't like using them.

That mouse, I lol'ed

Tell me about it! It's a good job I still have it though otherwise I'd be mouseless!

What fan set-up do you have?

I've got 1x front intake, 2x top exhaust, 1x back exhaust. Not sure if that's the ideal set-up tbh!

Same as you actually. One front intake, two top exhaust and one rear exhaust. I'll be adding another to the front once I've got the money, just for that extra bit of air flow. It seems like a good set up to me, inside the machine seems pretty cool, and with the roof fans on quiet mode RealTempGT reported as cool as 22C on the i5 this morning. (Not under load of course).
My, my, it's been a while. So I've been running the machine for a while now. And I've finally sorted myself a graphics card, hooray! I found an MSI GTX 460 Hawk, which will do just nicely as I'm not into heavy gaming, but it was an affordable price for a relatively decent piece of kit. I am currently waiting for it to be delivered, and I will add pictures as soon as it arrives.


- Anthony.
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