First ever build!!


Its all built and working but I have alreadyy hit a block.

Trying to install Windows 10, but it won't find the Samsung SSD i the installation. the SSD came with a CD, but I have no CD drive. where do I go form here?

Its all built and working but I have alreadyy hit a block.

Trying to install Windows 10, but it won't find the Samsung SSD i the installation. the SSD came with a CD, but I have no CD drive. where do I go form here?

Samsung is plug and play, what you might of done is plug into Sara drives that's not native to the z370 chipset but has its own that needs a driver- vendors often do this to increase SATA ports.
Try a different one , or all of them and check in bios that's it's being picked up .
I’ll be brutally honest...... I forgot to plug the SSD power in! Rookie mistake. All booted up and working beautifully. I’m on my mobile right now. I’ll upload pics shortly!

Yeah I’m gutted. Might take to all apart when it arrived and do it again haha. Won’t be the same though. Won’t catch me missing the power cable for the SSD. WHOOPS

haha! Na just leave it, do a video on performance, gaming etc. I took mine apart to add a hard drive. What a pain in the backside it was tidying the cables up. It's a mini ITX case. Love it, but a pain due to the small space. I've tried to link my photos from an old forum post but the pictures have been removed by photobucket. Specs are here
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