First full price PC game you purchased?

31 May 2005
Ok, I ripped off the idea from the other thread, bite me :p

I had just gotten my first PC, a P200 MMX with 8MB RAM, I think, I am thinking maybe 1998?

I purchased Championship Manager which would tide me over till Half Life 1 was released in November the same year which would be my second full price purchase :p

Internet hype was not a thing back then, so I just went into GAME on a Friday afternoon release day walkabout to see what was out and noticed it on the shelf in its big Orange box.

I recall reading something about it in PC Format maybe, or PC Gamer and thought "Meh, why not".

Got home and was in awe, what a game. Will always hold a place in my heart. The training level alone had me thinking "AWESOME".
Age of empires and used to play multiplayer via msn gaming zone. I burnt so many hours on that including the rise of Rome expansion.

First games i had for pc were Archamedian dynasty ( predecessor to the Aquanox series) and Fragile Allegiance which i rebought about 5 months ago on gog and still need to play. Those were games my uncle gave me to start me off gaming.
Dragonsphere I believe :) On a 'CD-Rom' too :o

If I recall correctly it was £34.99 and it's now free on GOG, if I'd have just waited 20 years... ;)
I'm trying to remember but I can't.

I think it was probably the original Civilisation game. I do remember spending hours upon hours playing that game when it came out. Problem is back when I was a kid we didn't have a PC we actually had a Mac so my gaming choices were limited.

My first PC was from a German company called Escom? Think I paid 1800 notes for it at the time:eek:

They went bust about a year later.

Pentium 133mhz
16mb RAM
6 x CD ROM
1 gig hard drive
14 inch CRT

First game?

Mechwarrior 2
I think it was F29 Retaliator (Ocean) 1989!

I seem to remember you could play it "Networked" as well, many hours in the Computer Lab at college!
I got into PC gaming when I was 6 so it was probably many years until I had saved enough pocket money to buy a full price game! Usually I was limited to the "Sold Out" range :p

It might have been C&C Generals. Looking back that was a solid purchase :)
Total Annihilation. No Regrets.

Same I think. Although could have been the Heretic expansion (Shadow of the Serpent Riders) which came out the previous year.

As almoststew1990 says though probably wasn't actually my (pocket) money. :o

Edit: scratch that, think it was Theme Park (1994) actually! Remember reading the manual in the car on the way home.

First I distinctly remember buying for myself was Planescape: Torment (1999), best game ever made.
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championship manager 96 / 97, used to hijack one of my dads work machines at his office when I was 13 to play it. managed to get my own pc in time for half-life / total annihilation etc.
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (2001)

followed by...
Desert Siege (2002)
Island Thunder (2002)
Jungle Storm (2004)
Stopped playing Ghost Recon when GR2 came out! game was not a patch on the original & switched to Novalogic - Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising :p
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