First full price PC game you purchased?

Clowns on the C64. Including the all important paddles. Would have been about 1985.

Edit - PC game - Street Fighter
Sim City 2000 I think!!?

Although I did have many second hand games and many budget ones, but I don't think I can count those as full price!
robocop zx spectrum 48k.

Not really a PC game, not in terms of what the OP implies.

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault in 2002.

First game I played online. It was also the game that made me get a broadband internet connection. £25 a month on top of line rental for 512k and I had to buy my own modem, router and micro filters.
Probably original Civilization. Toooooooooooooooo long ago to remember. First PC we had was my sister's work laptop back in 92 or 93.
Whoever was using it before her, installed Prince of Persia and Sokoban on it so those were the first PC games I played.
My mother bought our first computer. A compaq presario from the purple shirt store. Whilst there choosing it I asked for my first game.

Half life. An orange box of awesomeness. Alongside it I managed to buy my first ever dvd too. Lock stock and two smoking barrels. This was to play in my new pc as dvd players for TV were thin on the ground.

Man I'm old!
Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption back in 2000.
It had an online mode where you could make your own stories and people would play through while you controlled all the npc's and monster placement, like D&D but a videogame- at the time I thought it was amazing.
Hmm the only one that comes to mind is the original Carmageddon in 97 :) Played that game to death.

I remember playing it on the system my Dad built for us both to use, a 233 MMX back in the day, whilst my own PC itself was a lowly IBM PS/1 486 DX2 66 - I made it run on that too lol.
My first was Doom 1 I think. It ran well on my sx25 :p Me and a couple of mates installed it on a couple of the PC's at college and had 4 way deathmatch, it was ace!
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