First full price PC game you purchased?

Pretty sure it was Command & Conquer Red Alert full set - in a double-width big box.

I've still got the discs in their CD case, but not the big box (unless it's in my parents' attic)

Didn't game on PC until the late '90s, having previously been on C64, then SNES, PS1
The earliest I can remember is either Warcraft 3, or the Half Life anthology. I'd been playing PC games for years before, but they weren't games I'd personally bought.
You are making me feel old.

First games I bought when I got my PC were X-wing and Doom 2....I say "I", it was probably my Dad who got them for me since I was only 12 at the time.

X-wing had already been out for a year at that point, but this was in the days you could go in to a shop and see all the nice big boxes on the shelves.

Edit: 486 DX-33, 4 Mb Ram...couldn't even tell you what the Graphics card was at the time.
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You are making me feel old.

First games I bought when I got my PC were X-wing and Doom 2....I say "I", it was probably my Dad who got them for me since I was only 12 at the time.

X-wing had already been out for a year at that point, but this was in the days you could go in to a shop and see all the nice big boxes on the shelves.

Hey, you're only like 6 years older than I am. I just got into PC gaming after exhausting my SNES, Megadrive and Amiga.

Saying that, was Amiga gaming the PC gaming of the time? I was only about 6 or 7 when I had an Amiga.
Hey, you're only like 6 years older than I am. I just got into PC gaming after exhausting my SNES, Megadrive and Amiga.

Saying that, was Amiga gaming the PC gaming of the time? I was only about 6 or 7 when I had an Amiga.

To think they start even younger these days with iPad/Tablet games.

I had a NES for Christmas in 1989, Amiga 500 in 1990, Mega Drive in 1991, Mega CD in 1993, PC in 1994, Playstation in 1996 and then I started buying my own consoles.

I then had N64 in 1997, Dreamcast in 1999, Playstation 2 in 2000, Imported Xbox and Gamecube in 2001, Xbox 360 in 2005, PS3 in 2006 and now I have an Xbox One and PS4 that I hardly play.

And since 1994 to now I've always had PC's.

HMV, Union Street, Aberdeen, 1995, possibly around November.

Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, £39.99. Got the demo with a PC gamer magazine and saved up for months to buy it. Had to get it on four 3 1/2 inch disks as I didn't have a CD drive in my computer.

About a year later I was able to play it again with sound after I (my dad) got my hands on a soundcard for my PC. I was 11. :D
Ultima 6...and I didn't even own a PC!

Old mate of mine used to be a Housing officer and we'd go in on a Saturday and load it up on one of the council machines and play for a couple of hours before going down the pub! :D
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. My first PC game back in late 07. I was 17 and just afforded my own Dell PC. Was nothing special and was gone about a year later. Still have the game today :D
Didn't get my first PC until around 1998.

I'd had a home computer in the 80's, but during the 90's I was a console gamer.

The PC we bought came with a load of software and games, I do remember a Rogue Squadron game and Kingpin

I actually think the first game I paid for was Grand Prix 3 and played it with a joystick. I probably bought the Half Life and Opposing Force double pack around the same time. That was the game that really made the PC my go to gaming platform.
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The first full price game I bought with my own money was Command and Conquer: Red Alert... Vividly remember going with my parents to PC World and spending all my birthday money on it... Still remember the smell of the giant game box it came in... those were the days!

Obviously had lots of games before but this was the first that I purchased myself.
Probably GTA V if we're talking full price. I've always had mid-low end graphics cards so buying the latest and greatest is often a waste, but I bought a GTX 970 earlier in the year and I figured GTA V would be the ideal game for it. Missed out on a Brazilian deal so ended up spending £40 on it - probably spent hundreds of hours on it thus far.

Usually though, I buy things when they drop under the magical £10-15 price point :p
Really cant remember! Being a youngun i always had to wait for games to appear on the discount range or obtain via other means.... :o
However its probably Klingon honor guard or RCT
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