First game you played?

Blitz on the VIC 20 (upgraded to a C64 a couple of years later!)

I nearly started to cry when i saw that pic.......oh the memories! :D
I think it was pong on some sytem i cant really recall well.

Then on some Apple system (i think) was some lame text adventure game.

Games i more fondly remember...

On PC it was Space Goose (played for hours & hours with my brother, think that was the 1st color game i played).

Doom & Doom2 are probably the games that (to this day still) had the biggest impact on me, playing them at night with the lights off - awesome. Must be the game/s i have spent the longest amount of hours playing. Downloaded & played literally hundreds upon hundereds of user made levels (.wads)

Beast of a game..

You take a car, add weapons, and shoot similar cars around huge tracks.

Pretty good for '97 on a voodoo1 (maybe 2). :D

Had the Nitro pack expansion too. Used to play this so much :)

HangTime said:
First proper game would be one that came on the discs with the Amstrad CPC 6128 - something like Supertest (hello broken joystick), roland in time.
Another Amstrad'er here - the CPC464 being my weapon of choise. Yeah, something like Roland on the Ropes, or the caves where you'd be required to navigate huge leaps without being caught by an irritating pterodactyl, would be my earliest 'proper' gaming memories. I personally blame Daley Thompson for broken joysticks - 'wiggle-wiggle'... ooo Lucozade :D!
I do miss those cassette loading sounds 'screeeeeeeeee, dokdokdokdokdok, eeeurrrrrrreeeeeee, dokdokdok...', where the title screen would trickle feed for about half an hour accompanied by a rather pychedelic display in the borders.

Prior to that, I believe it would have been 3D Skyfighters (Stereo!) from Tomytronic, which I still have: Peculiar game chasing and catching other planes while going in a circle - you could loop-the-loop and refuel by bashing into hot-air balloons. They don't make 'em like they used to fortunately.
Haly said:
At home it was something on the Commodore 64: either Flimbo's Quest, International Soccer, Fiendish Freddy or Klax as they were all on one cartridge.
I would have been about 6ish I think then.

Could be the same for me (Fiendish Freddy was brilliant). I think though that i might have played something like boulderdash on the Zx Speccy first.

Actually thinking about it i think maybe one of the first games i played might have been on the Atari 2600 so it could have been Pong, Popeye or centerpide (sp). Really just cant remember :)

The first online game i played was Diablo II, oh how that game ruined my life! From that point onwards i have been totally addicted to MMORPGS :)
Yewen said:
From BOOTS. :confused:

Am I missing something...

Nope...a very long time ago, Boots used to sell some PC software. Its where I got Tie Fighter, Rebel Assault and Magic Carpet on the cheap (fiver each).
Tie fighter is still one of my favourite ever games.

Interstate 76 was kinda remade as Vigilante 8 for PC and N64 a while back too

My first game was probably Tie Fighter, or Lemmings.
First game I play would have been some c16 **** that I cant remember. First PC game was Doom on my 486 with 2 mb ram and no graphics :) I loved it, that was closely followed by tie fighter.
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