First Hardline Build - O11D XL + EK Front Distro plate

A little more done...

Apologies for the delayed repies, I haven't checked in for a while...

Thanks so much for the kind words. The rig is silent with a custom fan curve in the BIOS for controlling the D5 pump and Fans, though I would advise anyone to get a 5800x over a 5950x. 8 cores is fine for gaming and the 5950x gets crazy hot.
Apologies for the blurry pics thoughout the build log.

And the bubbles did all leave the loop after a few hours, that last pic is full of air bubbles :D
Apologies for the delayed repies, I haven't checked in for a while...

Thanks so much for the kind words. The rig is silent with a custom fan curve in the BIOS for controlling the D5 pump and Fans, though I would advise anyone to get a 5800x over a 5950x. 8 cores is fine for gaming and the 5950x gets crazy hot.

Looks great. I'll be building my new PC in the same case this weekend but no custom loop here. Hopefully I'll be willing to try some day.

I've ended up with a 5800X simply because I got fed up of waiting for my 5900X pre-order, good to see another person recommend just getting that one.
Looking real nice but one question- would it have been possible to turn the rads around so the fittings were next to the distroplate or would that not line up
Looking real nice but one question- would it have been possible to turn the rads around so the fittings were next to the distroplate or would that not line up

Tölva 3.0
... This person has done exactly that albeit with the bottom rad only.
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