Yo, i got my 4800 last week , played with it for a night and got up to 2.922Ghz not so stable, only stable enough to do super PI and cpu-z
Works at 2.9 solid as a rock stable, lowered it to 2.87 which enabled me to have my ram at a full 400hz and fsb at the 1000/2000 mark. i was aiming for 3ghz but my voltage is capped at 1.6V on my crappy motherboard! any 1 know a way round this???????
2.4 idle - 36C
2.4 loaded 42C
2.9 idle - 42C
2.9 loaded - 52C
my room is like 31C atm so spoze these are pretty good
i dunno why some of ya cant get it past 2.65... have a look at my settings...
something i did find strange, with my ASUS A8N32-SLI DELUX you can up the voltage by 200mV (0.2V) with 1 setting or/and up it in increments, it was a lot more stable when i used the 200mV setting and took 0.2V's off the manual vcore alteration setting. my HT multiplyer was at X4 all the time. aswell as selecting the increased voltages for most of the motherboard including a little extra on the RAM