First time building gaming desk mod!

I've cut out one side for my fans and my radiator. Put some putty on it and sanded some. Probably be a week or so before my next post. I am going to visit family for the holidays so will not be home to work on the desk.



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I'm back from the holidays! My goal is to get this desk done within the month on January! I'm hoping to get the painting done this coming week at least. Still have some cutting to do and some puttying.
Gonna try to get the cutting and puttying done the next couple days. Wish me luck! Will post some more pics this week!
Heres both sides done, I will probably wrap the 2 level dividers tomorrow hopefully and sand and putty some more. Just preping for the good ole painting. Swapped all my images to large thumbnails so you can see better. :)


Hey everyone, been a little since last update. Main thing I have been doing is sanding and painting. Here are some updated pics.

Sanded desk down with 220 grit and put some acrylic primer on

Sanded primer down and put the first coat of paint on the desk. Its wet now so it looks shinny but it'll be flat black when it drys.
Going to sand it down and put another coat on.
Looks good, I'm looking to do something similar in my box room, I'll keep an eye on this thread good work
Hey everyone! Here's a couple of updated pics of how its going!

Just some tubing on one of the side of the desk. it's identical to how the other side will look.
Of course the wood blocks will be replace with some sort of bracket ;P.



I mounted the MB and cut the hole in the back to run cables to it before i started laying tubing out.
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