Well BF4 and Dayz are currently the most new games I play, BF4 has texture issues with SLI and Crossfire enabled, and Dayz doesn't work (thought it is an early access alpha(but Arma 2 which it is based on didn't work either)).
What are they then? See above.
The only games I play at the moment are BF4, Dayz Alpha, Arma 3, and Dishonored.
Dishonored is the only one that has 0 problems, and I didn't notice any performance increase going from 580 to 690.
I bought a 690 as everyone said microstutter is no issue with SLI onboard vs SLI twinning a pair of cards...wrong I have had microstutter in nearly every game and demo I have played, even Heaven 4 has microstutter issues with SLI enabled.
Should have bought that Titan instead tbh.
You will have issues with the mirrors using SLI in arma3