Looking good to me. Colours go a lot better this time around. Leave a bit of a gap at the top of your res's. The left one is fine. Gives you a bit of heat expansion space.
Looking good to me. Colours go a lot better this time around. Leave a bit of a gap at the top of your res's. The left one is fine. Gives you a bit of heat expansion space.
Looks much much better than the original purple coolant
Isn't your monoblock specific to the MSI board? That sucks.
Hope you get something working between the two of them.
Looks absolutely amazing. Well done.
Incredibly well done!
I'm on the bendy tubes and looking at this makes me want to go all out for the hard stuff. Maybe in the future! For beginners this is perfect but very very jealous
Very nice project, im new here, 17 years old, im currently looking for a job to do custom builds like this and make my setup not suck. seeing these makes me envious haha
Only just checked in on this, glad I did - you did a superb job on the hardline, pleases my OCD to see how straight and level your lines are haha! Also, that EK block for the Rampage 10, holy hell it looks nice.......... Must resist swapping to X99............
Getting the lines straight absolutely did my head in - for me the biggest issue was getting the reservoirs level, ask Cenedd!
I am not that enamored with the Bitspower stuff in general tbh, the fittings are ok, but awkward, the paint chips and the seals are not the best either... not sure what I will use next... am on the look out....