First Water Project: The Mad Titan

Looking good to me. Colours go a lot better this time around. Leave a bit of a gap at the top of your res's. The left one is fine. Gives you a bit of heat expansion space.
Looking good to me. Colours go a lot better this time around. Leave a bit of a gap at the top of your res's. The left one is fine. Gives you a bit of heat expansion space.


Looks much much better than the original purple coolant :)

Thanks fellas! :) As you will see this is a labor of love for me! :)

Another setback and this time it's the MSI Godlike Motherboard.. or that's what it looks like from prelim POST.

Enter the Asus Rampage V edition 10.

I am astounded at the build quality difference - the Asus walks all over the MSI.
This is my second MSI Godlike motherboard and my second RMA. I will not be buying any more motherboards from MSI.

More testing to be SURE that it's the MSI at fault, then I shall be sending it back for replacement and rebuilding with the Asus.

Some pictures of the final rendition!

New colours, new bends, new motherboard, new mono block!! :)

I will change it again soon no doubt, but right now I am going to enjoy it! :)

Thank you to everyone who has given me advice, help and encouragement along the way! You are all very much appreciated! :)


Just to fill the reservoirs up a bit when the rest of my liquid arrives! :)

Only just checked in on this, glad I did - you did a superb job on the hardline, pleases my OCD to see how straight and level your lines are haha! Also, that EK block for the Rampage 10, holy hell it looks nice.......... Must resist swapping to X99............

Thanks man! :):)

Incredibly well done!

I'm on the bendy tubes and looking at this makes me want to go all out for the hard stuff. Maybe in the future! For beginners this is perfect but very very jealous

Yeah the hardline stuff was difficult at first, and I made a load of mistakes, but in the end it was worth it even though it tested my sanity at times! Now though, having gone through like 4 packets of the stuff, I feel much more confident! Play with the hardline.... you know you want to!! :cool:

Very nice project, im new here, 17 years old, im currently looking for a job to do custom builds like this and make my setup not suck. seeing these makes me envious haha

Well good luck in your hunt! :) There are loads of youtubers who make a pretty good living out of this stuff, beyond that it is a very specialised market... mostly people want to do it themselves, but there are some that do a bang up job making custom builds for general sale. My advice is practice makes perfect - get some tubing and acrylic and start modding! :)

Only just checked in on this, glad I did - you did a superb job on the hardline, pleases my OCD to see how straight and level your lines are haha! Also, that EK block for the Rampage 10, holy hell it looks nice.......... Must resist swapping to X99............

Thanks Smffy, I really appreciate it! :) I worked (am still and will always be) working on the Mad Titan... but it is in a place now where I am happy with it! Getting the lines straight absolutely did my head in - for me the biggest issue was getting the reservoirs level, ask Cenedd! ;) I love the X99 format... I would say resist... but then I wouldn't be enabling like I should.... :D:D
The EK block is so much better than the Bitspower one, I am not that enamored with the Bitspower stuff in general tbh, the fittings are ok, but awkward, the paint chips and the seals are not the best either... not sure what I will use next... am on the look out....

Cheers all and thanks again for all your feedback! :)

Getting the lines straight absolutely did my head in - for me the biggest issue was getting the reservoirs level, ask Cenedd! ;)

I'd take a non-level res over a leaky one any day....but only in the wisdom of hindsight! :D

I am not that enamored with the Bitspower stuff in general tbh, the fittings are ok, but awkward, the paint chips and the seals are not the best either... not sure what I will use next... am on the look out....

Have you tried the Barrow stuff? Similar style to the Bitspower but significantly cheaper. Haven't had any issues with chipped paint apart from the fitting I ground the knurled ring against the inside of the hole through the side panel....but it was a sacrifice I made deliberately to get the loop up and running for the weekend before parts turned up to sort it properly. No least from the fittings! :D
Haven't tried their hardline fittings as I'd already bought EK HDC's. Did try one of their soft tube fittings. It's good but not for where I need it - they're wider than EK's but significantly shorter. Could be good for some close builds but in my case it was the width that was an issue. Easy to get hose on and off but the compression ring keeps it in place. Makes a good drain fitting for me :D Although tradition seems to be dictating that I just wait for something to break and let it drain through that! ;)
Can't say that I'm enamoured with their acrylic though - it's all crazed where the E22 tubing is fine. To be fair though, it still pressure tests ok. The 20mm acrylic tube cracked and leaked but to be fair, it's possible that it was under mechanical stress that I couldn't see - I've replaced with metalwork but had to make it shorter.
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