fishbone stuck in throat

Dutch Guy said:
It's a very small bone, I can swallow without problems, I just feel there is something in my throat.

Isn't there something that will soften it that I can drink?

coke disolves most things!

or try milk
what? like Acid? (joke...btw)

You might have scratched it so it feels like there is something there or it is actually there. Depends how its lodged in the throat so any food could make it stuck in more or dislodge it. IT isn't going to go away soon by waiting however, best go see a doc for fastest and safest solution.
Coke will disolve teeth given enough time (few days) but drinking something wont soften a bone. a know fish bones are a lot more flexible, but im not sure if there is anything you can do to get it out unless you head down to A&E. try and keep swallowing, but dont go for too long otherwise you throat will get tired then you wont be able to tell if its still there or not mate.

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