Fishing - Anybody doing any ?

Fist time I've had a chance to get out for a proper session this year, had a fun 72hr social at Festival Fisheries near Glastonbury last week. I never got into anything huge, however, the fish I did get were all punchy little monsters, all of them gave me a right good fight and for me thats worth it! I had 8 fish in total, all low 20's-high teens, with 22 right on the nose being the biggest. All beautiful, very healthy, immaculate and very angry fish!
Really rate the fishery, such a good venue, its quiet, clean and well kept. There are a few over 40's in there. A mate of mine had a 30 out of there in this session, as did the lad in the peg to my right. Unfortunately I didnt get into one of the big boys, but I want to go back already! :D Bailiffs are decent blokes as well as long as you play by the rules.



This is all bailiffs ask of anglers on waters.
Oh absolutely! That said I've come across some absolute whoppers in my time! Especially in the last few years. Some really take pleasure in making life difficult or get off on some over inflated sense of superiority over the anglers on a venue. That said the huge influx of ill experienced "Covid Anglers" in 2020-22 must have been difficult to manage for bailiffs, hence some venues resorting to rather draconian measures and generally unfriendly demeanor to ensure compliance with rules.
Oh absolutely! That said I've come across some absolute whoppers in my time! Especially in the last few years. Some really take pleasure in making life difficult or get off on some over inflated sense of superiority over the anglers on a venue. That said the huge influx of ill experienced "Covid Anglers" in 2020-22 must have been difficult to manage for bailiffs, hence some venues resorting to rather draconian measures and generally unfriendly demeanor to ensure compliance with rules.

Bailiffs get ignored but the easiest thing to do is just print out the rule and take it with you. If a bailiff ever challenges you then you can produce a copy. I look after a site where you can purchase day tickets, memberships, download rules, view info about events e.t.c and not a single angler I know has printed out a copy of the rules.

As a bailiff myself I see it from both sides and I don't let anglers give excuses. I carry rules with me to hand out on the bank when I'm around.

Frustrating when you know what's true and what's a lie though but I just let most things go (if common sense is applied) and the angler isn't just messing around.
Bailiffs get ignored but the easiest thing to do is just print out the rule and take it with you. If a bailiff ever challenges you then you can produce a copy. I look after a site where you can purchase day tickets, memberships, download rules, view info about events e.t.c and not a single angler I know has printed out a copy of the rules.

As a bailiff myself I see it from both sides and I don't let anglers give excuses. I carry rules with me to hand out on the bank when I'm around.

Frustrating when you know what's true and what's a lie though but I just let most things go (if common sense is applied) and the angler isn't just messing around.
Dont get me wrong I get it! Its not much to ask! Most venues I have fished even have notices with rules posted in multiple places on site aswell as clearly defined rules on website.
As an angler I expect one strike and I'm out, one mistake one oversight of the rules, sometimes even I can forget. I tend to fish multiple venues with very different rulesets. Some sites only allow microbarbed, some barbless only. Huge variations in bait rules etc, mistakes happen. I dont expect lenience, though I do expect understanding.

My point in mentioning the Bailiffs on Festival though was that on a couple of occasions they popped up and just chewed the fat and had a good old chin wag with us. Just generally decent people! Made me feel welcome on a lake I hadnt fished before.
As an angler I expect one strike and I'm out, one mistake one oversight of the rules, sometimes even I can forget.

I'm never that harsh! I give more than enough chances to stick to the rules, haven't had to kick anyone off as yet as most people seem to be alright without a problem.

The odd one or two try to tell me what I should be doing I usually tell them if they keep going they will earn a ban but as a whole it's fine.
Anyone been following the absolute meltdown, surrounding the OMC "Magic Twig"? :D

Basically, Ali Hamidi has developed this plastic contraption which connects directly to the hooklength, inside it has a stretched piece of elastic - where the whole thing snaps back when triggered, essentially a self-hooking contraption, when the carp touches the hookbait.

The problem is, it's a friggin death rig! It's got these two plastic prongs which stick out of the side of it, so if you crack off on a fish - the fish is dragging a plastic anchor around with it, bloody stupid...

Yeah, its provided some pretty interesting conversation. Most of the groups I'm on have been slating it hard. Seen some pretty crazy videos showing how strong though arms are as well :eek:. If that cracks off definitely a major risk to fish safety, cant see its being particularly healthy for the fish to be having this massive plastic chunk with protruding arms smashing against the body during a fight...
Pretty much every venue I'm aware of, bar the likes of Linear and a few others where Ali has tested it, have flat out said its banned or have temporarily banned it until the true impact of the device is known. All good and well having professional anglers test this, however, wait until "Johnny" down the local pond tries it, using shoddy beat up line, cant tie knots properly etc Lets see how long it is until it starts claiming fish...
I wont be buying them thats for sure, if I am catching I want it to be because I know I'm casting well, built my rigs well and I'm fishing in the right spot. Not because I have the latest new fangled fishing "aid". Whats next? Electric stun rigs? Grenade fishing? **** it lets just net the whole lake and call it a day!
It's so stupid... I had a text from our syndicate the other day it's immediatley banned, anyone caught with one loses their ticket.

For me it just a complicated, dangerous solution to a problem that shouldn't exist, if your rigs are correctly tied, you're fishing over the correct bottom and your hooks are laser sharp, there's just no need for it at all.

I've recently been using "IB hooks" and "J Precision" hooks, and they are so sharp, there's no way that once a fish inhales the bait and the get pricked, that the hook is bouncing out. A 3 or 4 oz lead on a standard lead clip is all you need to nail them.

Not because I have the latest new fangled fishing "aid". Whats next? Electric stun rigs? Grenade fishing? **** it lets just net the whole lake and call it a day!

Before long, you'll be able to order the carp delivered directly to your swim on Amazon prime, the way things are going.
Might have to give them a go. For a long time I've just been running Korda Krank B 4's and 6's, both standard and Kamakura, though the kamakura is very very sharp they dont usually last more than 2 casts... I've always found the hook hold in the mouth is exceptional with them though.
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I find the Kamakuras are only any good for surface fishing or zigs, the points are too fine for bottom fishing or fishing near gravel. If you get one under a magnifier - you can actually move the point around, they're so fine.

The IB and J precision hooks are ground, so they're mentally sharp - but usable, the points don't turn over so easily, but you get one cast - drag it across gravel and it's gone.

I tie a load up and use those ESP ronnie clips, so I can just change the hook over in seconds - best, easiest system I've been using.
Kamakuras are definitely super sharp, but the amount of times I've had one turn over from just lightly catching on something before even casting the rig made me stop buying them. Too annoying, and pretty sure I've lost fish due to the point being turned over when it touches down.

Gardner hand sharpened muggas/chods or Jason Haywood wide gape/chods seem a lot better to me. They need changing after every fish but usually last a few casts at least. Of course even those are only really doable if you're fishing a rig that lets you quick swap the hook. I tend to use a multi-rig if I'm going to fish sharpened hooks nowadays because it works with pop-ups, bottom baits and probably wafters too though I've not tried myself.
I might be fishing the back end of this week. Not 100% sure yet.

Our club is going to be buying a DO (Oxygen) test meter as we have had some hiccups this year. DO levels wayyyy too low on one of our lakes, where as the other one has been stable DO.

Lakes run from one > to another > to another with outflow / inflow pipes.
Help a brother out lads.

The boys are wanting to do a bit of fishing, and I haven’t done any in 20 years.

What a good rod and reel that’s not going to brake the bank.

Local ponds are all full of small carp and bream
What kind of fishing you looking at doing? I assume general sort of course fishing, Feeder? waggler?
What sort of budget?

For general course fishing setup I'm running the Preston Monster X Waggler and Feeders both on Daiwa 20 GS BRLT's, both rods are 11ft, 3000 reel on waggler, 5000 on the feeder. Decent middle of the road setup, nothing fancy, but straight up quality kit whilst still being relatively reasonably priced.

If you are looking to spend a bit less, my mate got the Sonik SKS-C setup which I would recommend, very conservatively priced but surprisingly very nice.

Just a bit of advice though, please dont scrimp on the terminal tackle! You can catch just as well on an old car boot sale rod and reel, as long as the gear that you are putting in the water is quality. Decent line, decent floats/feeder/hooks, decent bait etc etc.
Also do both yourself and the fish a favor. Make sure you got a decent landing net and handle, for course fishing I run these.
Also please seriously consider an unhooking mat, you never know what you might end up hooking into. I always have mine with me regardless what size fish I'm after.
Looking at a feeder set up, we already have a good quality landing gear and a mat. My local place won’t let you on without it.

The sonik look about on par with what I was wanting to spend.

The rig gear I can get from local shop, but on rods and reels he’s know to be a robbing lieing git
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For kids, I would buy 2nd hand tbh.
They are bound to have breakages and they may get bored of fishing if they are not catching enough.
Whereabouts in Yorkshire you from?
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